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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: EcoHealth Whistleblower Dr. Andrew Huff: They Created the COVID-19 Virus Using Gain of Function in a Number of Laboratories and They Covered It Up (VIDEO)

Andrew Huff is the former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, an Army veteran, and the author of a forthcoming book from Simon & Schuster called, “The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History.”  Dr. Huff reported to Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, the notorious doctor who sent funding dollars to the Wuhan research labs.

In September Dr. Andrew Huff sent a report on the origin of the SARS-CoV2 virus to the US Senate and Congress.

Dr. Huff provided proof that the COVID virus that killed millions and resulted in mass starvation and global economic shutdown was created in a Wuhan laboratory.

Dr. Andrew Huff submitted the letter and evidence under penalty of perjury.


2 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: EcoHealth Whistleblower Dr. Andrew Huff: They Created the COVID-19 Virus Using Gain of Function in a Number of Laboratories and They Covered It Up (VIDEO)”

  1. The covid 19 was distributed all over the world for cover so that no one would even consider it had anything to do with the United States presidential election. barack hussein obama and Rat Face fauci are responsible. They purposely scared millions of voters into voting by mail-in ballots so that democrat election officials could manipulate the results. It wasn’t used before the 2016 election because if you remember, Trump didn’t have any chance of winning. People in high places don’t care about ruining good peoples lives or how many are dying as long as they can have more money and power. They will destroy the country and the world if not stopped.

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