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EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XII: Weissmann Placed Paul Manafort in Solitary Confinement for 11 Months in Effort to Get Him to Lie About President Trump

Andrew Weissmann has been intimately involved in some of the biggest corruption scandals in US history. Weissmann was involved in FBI activities with the mob in New York in the 1990s.  He was a key member of the Enron Task Force and also was involved in the sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia.  After all his corrupt acts, he then led the corrupt Mueller Special Counsel. 

In all these scandals Weissmann’s actions have been consistently corrupt and abhorrible. 

Attorney Sidney Powell shared the following about Andrew Weissmann:

The hallmark of the Department of Justice for decades has been to seek justice not convictions and if that meant letting a guilty person go free to make sure the government did it all right, then that was supposed to happen.

But Mr. Weissman, he couldn’t spell the word “ethics” despite the fact somebody actually had him teach a course in it one time, I think over in England.  His mantra is ‘the end justifies the means’… he targets people, individuals. And you’re right, I had no doubt from the moment he was picked for the Mueller Special Counsel operation, that he would have filed RICO charges against President Trump and seized every asset he ever had, if there had been any way he could do that.

He’s just filled with hatred for apparently most Americans and certainly anybody affiliated with President Trump.  And he’s willing to do anything to destroy them. 


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