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DA Krasner Calls It ‘Racist Messaging’ to Question Philly’s Soaring Crime Rates

In a by-now-familiar yet still despicable move, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner blames his city’s exploding violent crime rates not on criminals, not on his lax policies, no; he blames you for being “racist” to point it out. It should not be racist, however, to notice that since the beginning of the year things in the city of Brotherly Love have been anything but:

  • Overall shootings have increased by 3%, according to city stats.
  • Overall violent crime is up 7% from the same time last year.
  • Robberies in which perpetrators used guns are up 60%
  • Property crimes are up more than 30%, with businesses getting hit hard as commercial burglaries have risen a staggering 50%.

Krasner is part of a rogues’ gallery of woke (read: extreme Leftist) prosecutors whose soft-on-crime policies in the wake of the George Floyd movement have led to dangerous spikes in violence in cities across the nation. The list includes Chicago’s infamous friend of Jussie Smollett, Kim Foxx, CA’s George Gascón, New York’s Alvin Bragg, St. Louis’ Kim Gardner, and so many more. Their results are obvious, and a recent POLITICO/Morning Consult poll found that over three-quarters of voters said violent crime is now a major problem in the United States.

Pennsylvania House Republicans are leading an impeachment committee to oust Krasner, and on Friday the DA fought back from the steps of the state Capitol in Harrisburg. It’s not about crime, it’s about racism, he cried:


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