Normally, when I write pieces on Joe Biden’s brain going on the fritz, I’m heavy on the snark and jokes about the White House not getting his drug cocktail right. But a newly released MSNBC interview with the president took things to a place where that doesn’t seem appropriate.
In the first clip, Biden appeared to have a physical issue when asked about running in 2024. You have to watch the clip to get the full effect, but the president not only goes silent, but his eyes droop down and he looks like he’s about to fall over for a second. It was so bad that the interviewer reacts in a startled fashion, obviously believing Biden was going to pass out.
It’s also worth noting that there’s an editor’s cut in that part of the interview. Was he actually out of it for even longer than the clip shows?
Eventually, after the interviewer seemed to jolt Biden back into consciousness, the president stumbled through his answer. His pacing was noticeably very lethargic while doing so, and his struggles continued in other parts of the interview.
This geriatric pedophile won’t be able to finish his second year at this rate.
The handlers need to get the Ho to resign so they can appoint a real VP to take over when he fails….
Let Dementia take him out for America !!! His KARMA !!!!
He is FULL of issues !!!! Impeach NOW
Pedo has under-age Girl issues !!!!! FACT
You have to Pass a Physical to Drive a truck , Captain a Boat But NONE Required to be President !!! DUGH
And to be in charge of the Nuke codes should REQUIRE ONE !!!!!
I wouldn’t trust anything “they” say about his health, remember all the doctors that are still killing people with the CDC guidelines for COVID. They will get a doctor to say what they want about Biden even though it is very evident he is “out of his mind”.
Biden caused alot of ISSUES !!
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