From: Danielle Glenn <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11:00 AM
Subject: Monday 10/24: Pronouns Day!
Good Morning Tribe!
This coming Friday is International Pronouns Day! Alliance would love to celebrate all of our student’s gender identities and expressions on this day. Since we do not have school this Friday, we are going to be celebrating on Monday!
Every 1st period teacher will receive name tags in their mailbox tomorrow morning so that you have them ready for Monday! We are asking that you:
Pass out the name tags and encourage students to put their pronouns on it.
Talk about the importance of pronouns and gender identity and respecting other people’s gender expression.
Give students space to represent themselves or maybe even ask questions!
If you are unsure how to talk about pronouns with your students, Alliance has provided two options:
Show this YouTube video:
We have members of Alliance that have volunteered to come in and help you with the conversation! Just answer this email with interest!
On Monday I will send out some conversation starters, answers to questions, and Do’s and Don’ts that our students in Alliance have come up with to give more direction.
As always, thank you for supporting our students about being themselves and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Shout to the following staff members for being mentioned as safe spaces from our Alliance members: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pav, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Lampel, Ms. Choi, Mrs. Mathews, Dr. Blake, Ms. Pahl, Ms. Cottingham, Mr. Lowe, Mr. Scott, Mrs. Fronzcak, and Mr. Bennett!

As a member of the school board , this is news to me. I am disturbed to see that our teacher of the year is involved with this. I have talked to the office of WCPS and I have been told that this event will NOT be happening. Ann Suthowski
In China, Chairman Mao would have the new teachers teach the youth about the new identities and to reject the Four Olds- “Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits”. They were to replace them with the four news- new customs, new culture, new habits, new ideas. Children were taught that the farmers and businessmen are evil capitalists . If their parent believed in the Four Olds- the children were to rat out the parents to the school.
You don’t think this is exactly he same thing going on here? Drive a wedge between children and parents, then tell the children their parent are “olds”-and we all know what comes next.
1. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose- vote Republican this November. Republicans are stupid, but Democrats (the ones who want to mutilate the genitals of children) are evil. The Democrats who either won’t speak out are either complicit and equally evil or cowardly and useless at this point. There is no third option.
2. If you can, pull your children out of public schooling. If you teach, quit. Public schools cannot be saved.
3. Don’t think the California craziness cannot happen here. Open your eyes- it is already here.
Actually, Chairmen Mao told the youth (red guards) to kill and attack teachers for teaching actual truths and history…much like Lombardo’s group of closet-Pedos want to respect for freedom of thought or the authority of trained, LOCAL teachers…no wonder so many these parents are barely able to read and write in proper English anyway….
Shut up, James. You are a Wierdo commie atheist loser and nobody likes you.
No one will quit their jobs, and certainly not during a recession. You have stated this before. Teachers will not quit their jobs because you demand it.
Second, most parents cannot pull their children out of public schools due to their jobs. They certainly cannot do so with the cost of everything significantly inflated, nor will they do so because you demand it.
I don’t know that Republicans are ‘stupid’ or Democrats ‘evil’. I’m sure there is a fair amount of blame on both sides of the isle. I do know that labeling a group of people on the actions of a few is wrong. Voting is a chance for each of us to express our support or declare our frustrations. The issue at hand is that so few vote at all. There are those who don’t vote because they think their voices don’t matter, or they are too lazy to take the time to educate themselves and put thought to action. Lastly, there are those that just don’t care for one reason or another. The economy alone should motivate many to vote this year.
Finally – California…a hotbed for many flakes in the world, but they don’t have a corner on the market as the states of Washington and Oregon have shown us. However, the majority of our republic sees otherwise.
I do realize that your submission was an attempt at a call to action, but I’d be a bit more careful of your word choices and manner or expression.
This is why Wicomico county schools are a joke. Anyone working for those schools needs to be so ashamed of themselves because you have zero to be proud of.
“Wicomico County, MD public schools have an average math proficiency score of 35% (versus the Maryland public school average of 38%), and reading proficiency score of 40% (versus the 46% statewide average). Schools in Wicomico County have an average ranking of 4/10, which is in the bottom 50% of Maryland public schools.”
Be sure to thank Bonnie Ennis, Supervisor of School Improvement, Accountability & Strategic Planning since 2015 (long before Covid came). She’s a major part of the problem!
Who is this glen clown? The proficiency rate at Wicomico county schools are so low few students even know what pronouns are. Teach useful things so when the students become adults they can be productive members of society and not leeches or criminals. Just look around the county? And Salisbury? The place is a sight for sore eyes. Few good paying jobs, blight, crime. When a populace is dumbed down like has what’s been happening in Wicomico Co. it affects all areas of life.
PLEASE . . . everyone that reads this should contact ANY parent that has a child in Wicomico County Schools – or better yet – show up to your child’s school on Monday morning!!!! Unless parents get involved this will continue. Make every effort to attend the next school board meeting in November. Be careful WHO you put in office on your November ballot. Remember which school board electees really have your child’s best interest at heart. Join the parent-teacher coalition.
Resist the wiches resist the warlocks shove the pagan deviants back to their dark pits..they stink up the place with their evil idealogy!! local churches silent!!! ??? There’s gonna come a time when we’re gonna have to call it like we see it people unless you want to get that stamp on your forehead. You do realize these are the same ideals that will lead up to lining you up against the wall and removing you because you don’t want to go along. It is your life it is your soul So I really have no dog in the fight but don’t make me play your game!!! I won’t play nice
Fire all who push this shhht !!! See ya
This is NOT Nazi Germany !!! NO Indoctrination allowed !!!!
a gay support club is not indoctrination…but the Nazis were the ones did censor books and remove gay students from school 😉
You ARE what you were Born Policy needed !!!!!!
OMG next thing they’ll want to teach is “science” (opposed to the Bible) and “history” (written by non-whites willing to tolerate non-christian thinking). Not on my watch!
You can’t rewrite history. It’s trying to be rewritten but that is not history. The problem with you people is you don’t even love or care about your own children. If you even try and deny this you are only proving you are lying which is the only thing you people excel at. You people will and do sacrifice your own child’s future over attempting to be clever and cute and trying to prove to all how ‘Inclusive” you are. How “kind” you are. How “compassionate” you are. It’s all about you with zero thought to your children.
bonnie ennis has been very adept at managing to evade accountability for all the bs she pushes!
This is either Lombardo, Acle, or Beauchump commenting….3 people with either well known public affairs or convictions of child sex crimes……that’s all you need to know…they also have NO experience has teachers and parents of public school kids…just busy rich people.
Public schools as a whole are complete failures. MD public schools are bad and Wicomico county extremely bad. The public schools aren’t putting out our doctors., scientists, mathematicians, etc. and haven’t for decades now. It’s the private schools that are. Teachers aren’t taught anymore to teach. They are taught to not teach their students how to think but what to think. There is much lost potential in public schools and the fault lies with not only the teachers, but administrators and local, state and federal Dept of Ed’s. Parents need to get more involved. Anyone who truly loves their child/student does not want this nonsense taught. If you love your child you want they taught only things that will make them productive members of society who will be able to be self reliant and not a government dependent.
and yet the pedophile Lombardo and Beauchump literally are prep school parents who spend more of their time in Worcester than here in Wicomico…HAHHAHAHHAA….
Ms. Glenn,
I’d strongly recommend that you choose another course of action. Just a suggestion before this becomes a career ending choice.
Yo Darren,
we all get that you hate teachers, hate staff, hate many students who don’t confirm to your narrow, bigoted view, but your constant obsession with child sex and gay teachers suggests a lot about your own deep, dark thoughts.
The only question is, are you gonna be man enough to stand by your “principles” in front of all the socialists at SU on Tuesday? I doubt it……