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Liability Insurance Mandate for Concealed Carriers on Fast-Track Thru NJ Legislature

New Jersey Democrats’ liability insurance mandate for concealed carry permits is being fast-tracked through the legislature and has already passed one state Assembly committee.

Breitbart News reported that the legislation mandating liability for concealed carry permit holders was introduced on Thursday. Politico noted that the legislation would also ban “guns from being carried in 25 broad categories [of places], including but not limited to government buildings, health care facilities, airports, casinos and private properties where the owners have not given express permission to have guns.”

The prohibitions against concealed carry would apply licensed concealed carriers. observed that state Democrats have fast-traced the legislation and it has already passed one Assembly committee.

Assemblyman Joe Danielson (D) said, “This is a commonsense bill and it’s a bill New Jersey needs, and it needs it quick.”

He added, “You just can’t carry a gun without understanding the effects of deadly force.”


7 thoughts on “Liability Insurance Mandate for Concealed Carriers on Fast-Track Thru NJ Legislature”

  1. Why does Gary Baker (The So-called Chief Deputy) which is a fictitious position in the first place still employed at the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office??? He does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for this county!!!!!!!!!! He is nothing more than a blood sucking leech pocketing over $150,000 dollars plus all his perks! I am sick of all this waste at our local Sheriff’s Office. He has over 35 years and needs to go or be released. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      we have Salisbury City and Maryland State Police
      ( Salisbury Barracks ).
      to patrol the area…

      I agree with you on wasted TAX PAYERS MONEY on the Sheriff’s office….

      Mike Lewis travels around the Country on our TAX PAYERS DIME…

      His misfit Captain Todd Richardson gets money from a previous job he worked….

      What a waste of our hard earned TAX MONEY.

      we need not discuss the BULLY TATICS of the Court serving paper DEPUTIES…

      one looks like BARNEY RUBBLE and the other lives in Fruitland….

      both are big bullies…..

      DISBAND the Sheriff’s Office

  2. They just can’t get done thinking up ways to cost people more money, like Biden’s inflation isn’t bad enough.

  3. so will one have to buy liability insurance to use their other God given rights? just in case you get sued for calling someone the wrong pronoun!

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