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True The Vote Responds to RINO AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s Referral to the FBI-IRS – And a Veiled Shot at FOX News

Yesterday, the Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson reported on TrueTheVote being referred to the FBI by the RINO Attorney General and once US Senate hopeful Mark “nunchucks” Brnovich.

In his letter, Brnovich stated he is “providing the referenced information…for review and potential further action as it relates to potential violations of the Internal Revenue Code by True The Vote.”

Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.

What’s strange is that FOX News reported on AG Brnovich’s letter on Friday, but, as both Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips confirmed, FOX News never reached out to True The Vote for comment on these defamatory and (somehow) criminal referrals made by the Attorney General’s Office in Arizona.

But at least Fox News finally acknowledged #2000Mules something they refused to report on and blacklisted for months!  

While FOX News may not be interested in reporting balanced news, TGP is.  We reached out to True The Vote on Saturday and they responded publicly on their website:


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