Just trying to survive…. And dig up enough money to pay back the Covid money they sent me 2 years ago that I didn’t ask for.. There is no such thing as a FREE lunch.
Mom nature is going to give me a chance to relax, clean and sleep in. Was ready for the Ocean whatever it was called concerts but alas, Sunfest wasn’t happy being moved into Oct so its karma hit City Hall! HAHAHAHAHA
We will dry out just in time for Cruisin by mid week. Bring it brother/sister car enthusiasts and open those wallets, cuz our hospitality industry loves when you visit!!!!
Bethesda UMC in Salisbury will be holding their Fall Festival from 9-2. Yard sale starts at 6:30am. Best oyster sandwiches on the shore. 100 gift items to bid on.
Just trying to survive…. And dig up enough money to pay back the Covid money they sent me 2 years ago that I didn’t ask for.. There is no such thing as a FREE lunch.
Watching the surf with my bourbon
Snicker snicker
Mom nature is going to give me a chance to relax, clean and sleep in. Was ready for the Ocean whatever it was called concerts but alas, Sunfest wasn’t happy being moved into Oct so its karma hit City Hall! HAHAHAHAHA
We will dry out just in time for Cruisin by mid week. Bring it brother/sister car enthusiasts and open those wallets, cuz our hospitality industry loves when you visit!!!!
Safe weekend to all!
Pelosi off on her New jet to Bali for tea !!!
Maxine Watters in a meeting with FARAKON & SHARPTON & JACKSON to kill off all the WHITE
people !!!!!!!
Schumer, Schiff, Nadler Party like it’s 2022 !!!!!
Democrats Push GREEN agenda every time a Hurricane happens !!! Get them OUT of office NOW !!!!
Biden tries to look good over the Florida Disaster !!! He is the cause of the Total America DISASTER !!!!!
Americans still left behind by Biden !!!
Biden War in Ukraine still Rages on !!!!!
Biden inflation Ruining Americans every week !!!! There will be RECORD BANKRUPTCIES !!!!!!
Now you will need Five jobs to survive !!!!! Thank Biden
AOC+3 Scheeming all week-end to RUIN AMERICA !!!!
All the 2020 Democrat COUP Cheating being covered up from any investigating !!!!!
Pedo Joe will want to go to DELAWARE no doubt this week-end costing Millions $$$$$$$
Oh, crap. I thought it was Thursday. Another week, another lost day. Getting old sucks.
Bethesda UMC in Salisbury will be holding their Fall Festival from 9-2. Yard sale starts at 6:30am. Best oyster sandwiches on the shore. 100 gift items to bid on.
Just trying to survive with 8:21. I hear what you are saying and it really is a bummer.
Enjoy the week-end before the communist take over America Thanks to BIDEN !!!!!
Progressives = Communists !!! Call it what it really is !!!!!
Ban credit cards !!! They RUIN more Americans than Biden !!!! Now the Rates going even more UP !!!!!!
Americans are Bankrupt !!! All on the Democrats !!!!
America went from the BEST it EVER was under TRUMP to the Worse it has EVER been , under BIDEN !!!!!!
AMERICANS will take THEIR country from Democrat Party soon & make shure it stays that way !!!!
Leftist should be DEPORTED !!!!! See Ya !!!!