On Friday Hillary Clinton compared Trump’s Mega-MAGA rallies to Hitler’s rallies.
Hillary Clinton: I remember as a young student trying to figure out how did people get basically drawn in by Hitler? How did that happen? And I’d watch news reels and I’d see this guy standing up there and ranting and raving, people shouting and raising their arms. What’s happened to these people? Why do they believe that? You saw the rally in Ohio the other night. Trump is there ranting and raving for more than an hour and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. And I thought, what is going on?”
Trump supporters were REAL AMERICA ( ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE ) Hers were the LEFT NAZIS !!!!!
Hillary life isn’t treating you well every picture you look more like the hateful thing you really are. I think I finally see what Clinton’s many mistresses saw a real hateful vengeful witch who never should have been the wife of a president or Secretary of State and a 3 time looser for president. I remember Bill’s mother saying it was your dream to be in the white House not Bill’s that you were obsessed with power and attention. God help us keep you back and away from any other position except an ugly, angry looser.
Looks like her arm is raised to HITLER !!!!!! Hi – Hillary !!!!!
Looks like Bill or someone has been working her over with the ugly stick.
Her Girfriend Madonna !!!!!!