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Trump: ‘Thugs, Tyrants’ Awakened a ‘Sleeping Giant’

The “thugs and tyrants” attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a “sleeping giant,” former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

“They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken,” Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. “The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that’s what they want to do.”

The Democrats’ policies are “mad,” he added, but come Nov. 8, “we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore … all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger.”


5 thoughts on “Trump: ‘Thugs, Tyrants’ Awakened a ‘Sleeping Giant’”

  1. Trump is right this country any citizen with any cognative ability can tell we are on a slippery slope to becoming a third world country wake up all and vote Republican make sure every vote counts and vote no rhinos like Hogan. The time is now demand impeachment on the traitors, Obama, Hillary and Biden charge them with every crime they have committed and put them in foreign prisons they like taking $ from America let them rot in a Communist cell.

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