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Ron DeSantis Doubles Down, Martha’s Vineyard ‘Just the Beginning’

Ron DeSantis isn’t backing down in the face of intense backlash after he flew 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard. In fact, he’s doubling down, pledging that his move was “just the beginning” of a broader campaign to fight back against the Biden administration’s failures on the border.

The remarks came at a press conference where the Florida governor addressed the controversy. Here’s what that sounds like per The Hill.

“Now we see, in New York and D.C., they used to beat their chests when Trump was in office, saying they are sanctuary jurisdictions. Then the minute Texas starts busing there, they get very bent out of shape about it,” DeSantis said. “These are just the beginning efforts. We got an infrastructure in place now. There is going to be a lot more that’s happening.”

DeSantis said these efforts are helping “put this issue on the front burner,” adding that Florida is using $12 million the state budget allocated to a program to transport migrants out of the state.

DeSantis’ point about sanctuary city hypocrisy is well taken. It was all fun and games when these deep blue jurisdictions didn’t have to actually face the consequences of the policies they support. That’s finally changing via the relocation of illegal immigrants by DeSantis and Abbot. Now, places like New York City and Chicago don’t get to just brag on CNN about how caring they are, they have to actually spend the money and resources to show it.


8 thoughts on “Ron DeSantis Doubles Down, Martha’s Vineyard ‘Just the Beginning’”

  1. Concerned Retiree

    I would like to know how many illegals has COMRADE HOGAN allowed in MARYLAND as a ROGUE REPUBLICAN and where are they? How many has been released in COMRADE HOGAN’S area? How many has been released in SOUTHERN MARYLAND such as SILVER SPRININS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY and the rest of the RICH counties? You will probably find out that COMRADE HOGAN is really a DEMON DEMOCRAT.

  2. 3:34……..Most of them are in the North Salisbury Walmart with their carts piled high with goodies and paying with their Independence cards (actually by us the taxpayers) They think Walmart is an amusement park.

  3. Ok a hypothetical…..Ron Jon get to 1600 Penn Ave because he can save $$ (over $21 BILLION FLA surplus at the end of FY22) and move illegals to areas of the other party.

    Fine….somewhere somehow MD pisses him off. Majority of the MD landmass is RED, but we know the 3 counties and a city which make the entire state BLUE. Ron Jon dislikes BLUE……if that portion pisses him off…and it will….he may agree about sending future illegals to the MD and in turn, they will migrate east.

    Hypothetical but an honest one.

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