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Newt Gingrich warns ‘civilization will break down’ over rising crime rates in big cities

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich warned that “civilization will break down” if crime rates in big cities across the country continue to spiral and hands-off district attorneys fail to enforce the law.

“When you have the level of crime you have in New York or Chicago or in Atlanta, all of a sudden you begin to realize we have to do something,” Gingrich told John Catsimatidis on his WABC 770 AM radio show in an interview that aired Sunday, while also citing spiking murder rates in New Orleans and Philadelphia.

“People are going to begin to realize you have to change the district attorneys, and you have to hire enough police, and you have to enforce the law,” the Georgia Republican said. “Otherwise, civilization will break down.”

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner have come under fire for embracing criminal justice reforms while crime spikes in their cities.

The rate of serious crimes was up 35.6% in the last three months in the Big Apple compared to the year before, with robberies, burglaries, grand larcenies and auto thefts all increasing, according to NYPD figures.


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