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John Durham’s final act: exposing the FBI

Russiagate special counsel John Durham is in the homestretch. His grand jury wrapped up work last week, apparently with no new indictments on the horizon. Attorney General Merrick Garland is said to anticipate receiving his final report by the end of the year. And Durham is gearing up for his last trial: the prosecution of Igor Danchenko, the principal source for the discredited Steele dossier.

That last one should be grabbing our attention. We now know that the so-called dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was a Clinton campaign production. It is one of the great dirty tricks in modern political history: The 2016 Democratic presidential campaign colluded with the incumbent Democratic administration’s law enforcement and intelligence apparatus to portray their partisan opposition, Donald Trump, as a Kremlin mole, then made the smear stick to the point of forcing Trump to govern for over two years under the cloud of a special-counsel investigation.

This enterprise included substantial reliance by the FBI on the bogus Steele dossier in obtaining spying authorization from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) — on sworn representations that the bureau believed Trump was in a “conspiracy of cooperation” with Vladimir Putin’s anti-American regime.

Danchenko turns out to have been Steele’s principal source for this fever dream. Last year, Durham indicted him on five counts of lying to the FBI. But that’s not the half of it. Last week, in a jaw-dropping court submission, Durham revealed that the FBI signed up Danchenko as an informant and paid him for almost three years — from March 2017 through October 2020.


2 thoughts on “John Durham’s final act: exposing the FBI”

  1. If you all only knew what has really been going on, you would be absolutely shocked, I know everything looks normal and that nothing is happening but you will soon learn the truth. Go watch the Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard over on BitChute. Also don’t forget to watch all the Sequels too. I know there is a lot of videos there but if you want to know what has been going on you will watch them all. The US and the World had been taken over, I can’t help it if you don’t want to believe the truth that I try to tell you, that is your problem. Are things going to get a lot worse probably they have to before things can change, so I would suggest that you have some extra cash on hand and lots of non-perishable food that you can survive on.

    Here are some more eye opening videos to watch, Open Your Eyes by Russ Francis and Monopoly Who Controls the World , watch them and come back and tell me that I am wrong. And the AHC channel has a lot of great episodes on their channel. You need to see the one with all the Nazi supporters in the US before the War no wonder we were able to drag them all over here after the War in that famous Paperclip Program we had in the 1950’s. You people really need to get to researching and discover what our World was really like.

  2. all the money and time durham spent and what’s he got? one crooked english man. total f’n joke on the american people. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to know the deck is stacked against the average working man. Mao said he who controls the food/guns controls who gets to eat and who doesnt! so you either get in line and stfu oe else! ever hear of the apocalypse? are we living in the end times? i say bring it on! time to stand and be counted are you of this world or men of God?

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