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Joe Biden: People Disapprove of Me Because They Are Psychologically Unable to be Happy (VIDEO)

Joe Biden sat down for a one-on-one interview with CBS’s Scott Pelley.

The “60 Minutes” interview, which aired Sunday evening, is Biden’s first one-on-one with an American outlet in more than 7 months.

Biden declared the Covid pandemic is over in his interview.

Joe Biden also told Scott Pelley that people disapprove of him because they are psychologically unable to be unhappy after the pandemic.

“Your approval rating in the country is well below 50% and I wonder why you think that is,” Scott Pelley said.

“It’s a really difficult time,” Biden said. “We’re in an inflection point in the history of this country. We’re gonna make decisions and we’re making decisions now that are gonna determine what we’re gonna look like 10 years from now.”


6 thoughts on “Joe Biden: People Disapprove of Me Because They Are Psychologically Unable to be Happy (VIDEO)”

  1. If he wants to see “happy”, let him get his ass on down the road and out of OUR House, that he stole! Then he will see what happy really is. Real happiness, is getting our real President back………DONALD J. TRUMP!!!! MAGA!!

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