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DHS Intelligence Report Reveals Venezuela Is Emptying Prisons and Sending Dangerous Convicts to US Border

Impeachment of Joe Biden, Article 1: Failure to secure the national border.

Over 4.9 million illegals entered the United States during Joe Biden’s first 18 months in office via the open southern US border.

That is roughly the population of Ireland — crossing the open border into the US in 18 months!

The Biden regime has cheered on this invasion and the eventual collapse of the United States.

We are no longer a sovereign nation. That was the goal. Joe Biden is the tool of the globalist left to eliminate borders and condemn national sovereignty.

On Sunday, Breitbart obtained a report from the border patrol indicating that the government of Venezuela, led by Nicolás Maduro Moros, is releasing prisoners intentionally and sending them to the US border. Among those released are people who have been convicted of murder, rape, and extortion


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