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WAYNE ROOT: Biden Clearly Wants Civil War. Don’t Take the Bait.

By Wayne Allyn Root

Did you watch Biden’s disgraceful speech on Thursday night? I did. And I know the Biden plan.

Although it’s not Biden’s plan. Biden is a puppet with dementia and diapers. Biden doesn’t know whether Jill is his wife or sister. Biden is a walking cadaver who reads whatever script is put in front of him. Then Jill leads him off stage, so he doesn’t get lost. His handlers take him in back, pet him on the head, hand feed him his baby food, and change his diapers. Then it’s time to “put a lid” on Biden’s day. It’s time for a nappy nap.

So, none of this is Biden. Obama is the real president.

This is his delayed third term- and Obama is back to finish the job he started: the destruction of America, American exceptionalism, the great American middle class, and capitalism.

But Obama isn’t the real order giver either. He’s just an order-taker. Obama carries out the orders he gets from the real psychopath-tyrants who control America: George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party. China actually is the big dog. China gives the orders. China runs the show.


5 thoughts on “WAYNE ROOT: Biden Clearly Wants Civil War. Don’t Take the Bait.”

  1. People have responsibilities and don’t want prison time. Only thing will happen is communism in the next 10 years. USA is more socialist now then any other country and the only country with a open border. Folks it’s over.

  2. Sorry this guy really does not understand who really owns America, this goes much deeper than even all these puppet characters. Okay time for some truth 1% Elite Group owns and controls everything in the World. Now it is up to you to figure out who they are.

    I gave you the dates of 1871 and 1933 and that is all I am giving it is up to you to discover who this group is just like millions of other people have discovered.

    As for a Civil War we don’t need one however you can start buying locally and let all these Corporations and Companies go under. If you knew what Walmart has been doing you definitely would never shop there again nor would you eat at McDonalds ever again. Happy researching

    1. Not playing your silly game 8:21. If you want to contribute some good honest information, go ahead and do it, stop beating around the bush. Otherwise take your silly game and go home.

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