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Cover-Up: Biden Treasury Makes Move to Stop GOP From Getting Hunter Biden Records

The ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has been trying for months to get the Suspicious Activity Reports — anti-money laundering reports that flag suspicious transactions — that have been filed by banks against Hunter Biden.

Now, the word is in from Biden’s Treasury Department that they have formally rejected his request for the information because the Democrats aren’t part of the request.

Comer blasted the decision as “unacceptable.”

“It’s unacceptable that the Treasury Department continues to run cover for the Biden family and possibly hide information about whether Joe Biden benefited financially from his family’s business transactions. The Biden Administration changed the rules to severely restrict Congress’ access to suspicious activity reports in the dark of night and with no explanation.

Hunter Biden and other Biden family members have racked up at least 150 suspicious activity reports for their shady foreign business deals. We need more information about these transactions and if Joe Biden has benefited financially from his family’s dealings with foreign adversaries. It is a matter of national security to know if President Biden is compromised. The American people deserve answers, and Republicans will use the power of the gavel next Congress to get them.”


2 thoughts on “Cover-Up: Biden Treasury Makes Move to Stop GOP From Getting Hunter Biden Records”

  1. And this would be a surprise they have been doing it since before 2020 campaign from the basement. How many years will this NO investigation last until no Democrats left in the country?

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