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Governor Hogan Announces Immediate Authorization of New COVID-19 Bivalent Boosters

Publishers Notes: Since when is Governor Hogan a doctor. Does he simply have his head up his ass with such a press release. When will Americans stop believing in BS politicians who have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about. Not enough of you with weak immunity systems have died yet, take this booster and finish what they started. Maybe Hogan will get a nice new condo in Florida if enough of you will buy this BS. By the way Idiots, now add your 12 year old and up kids to this request. 

Marylanders Encouraged To Get New Shot For Maximum Protection Against Virus and Variants; Everyone 12 and Older Eligible
State Pre-Ordered 157,000 Doses of New Booster; Administration Expected to Begin Widely Next Week
State Will Conduct Call and Text-Based Outreach to Eligible Marylanders

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that state health officials have formally authorized new single-dose bivalent boosters for COVID-19 following approval by both the FDA and the CDC. As part of the state’s COVIDReady plan, Marylanders are encouraged to get this new shot for maximum protection against the virus and circulating Omicron variants.

“This new bivalent booster shot is another important tool in our toolbox to help Marylanders stay COVIDReady,” said Governor Hogan. “While federal guidance has made it confusing at times for people to know if and when they’re eligible, everyone 12 and older will be able to get to this new shot. Maryland continues to be one of the most vaccinated and boosted states, and we have always focused on staying ahead of the virus, which is why getting this new shot is so critical.”bss

To date, the state has administered nearly 12.9 million COVID-19 vaccines and boosters; 58.3% of Marylanders 12 and older who are eligible for a booster dose have received at least one.

Preordered Doses. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) preordered 157,600 doses of bivalent boosters (114,000 Pfizer; 43,600 Moderna) for local health departments, federally qualified health centers, and providers across the state. This is in addition to allocations that the federal government has sent directly to pharmacy partners. While some doses are already prepositioned in the state, administration of the new shot is expected to begin widely after Labor Day.

Everyone 12 And Older Eligible. Federal and state health officials are recommending that everyone 12 and older get this updated shot from Pfizer for individuals age 12 years and older and from Moderna for individuals age 18 years and older. Individuals are eligible two months since their last vaccine dose of any kind, whether it is a primary or booster dose. Of note, federal health officials expect to approve updated booster shots for other pediatric groups in the coming weeks.

GoVax Call Center Outreach. The state’s GoVax Call Center—which is available 7 days a week—will begin a new call and text-based outreach campaign to eligible Marylanders next week. The call center continues to offer individuals homebound vaccination options and rideshare options for individuals with transportation access issues. Call 1-855-MDGOVAX (1-855-634-6829) to schedule a booster appointment today.

Stronger Protection Against Omicron Variants. The bivalent booster shot adds Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 spike protein components to the current vaccine in order to target newer, more transmissible variants. The FDA reports a better immune response in people who received the new bivalent booster. As of today, BA.5 currently accounts for 79.2 sequenced cases in the state and 90 percent of sequenced cases in the country. Both BA.4 and BA.5 are predicted to continue to circulate in the United States this fall and winter.

Find a vaccine provider at or call 1-855-MDGOVAX (1-855-634-6829) to make an appointment.

20 thoughts on “Governor Hogan Announces Immediate Authorization of New COVID-19 Bivalent Boosters”

  1. The new vaccines/boosters are fantastic news. Another example of great American strength and progress. We’re lucky and I can’t wait to get mine.

  2. I wouldn’t take one of those clot shots or boosters for any amount of money. Want to stay well? Then stay away from that poison vaccine.

  3. Concerned Retiree

    Another con since they have finally said the vaccine was not what they said and that it killed more than saved lives. HOW MUCH IS COMRADE HOGAN MAKING ON THIS OR HOW MUCH MD TAX DOLLARS IS HE WASTING?

    Apologize for the caps but people needs to get involved and realize what FAUCI has said by changing his first view. Anybody realized Fauci has gone quit since he has changed his story and can not make millions more.

  4. “The new vaccines/boosters are fantastic news. Another example of great American strength and progress. We’re lucky and I can’t wait to get mine.”

    Can tell is this is parody or not. If so, well done, good sir. If not, I will take great pleasure in watching your future health complications ruining your quality of life.

  5. 3:27, I am begging you to please do some research on this vaccine before you take it. I realize that it is your decision to make but please pay attention to all the articles that Joe posts and then do some research off the regular News, the videos from honest Doctors are out there however you will not find the truth from your local Main Stream News. Look for Dr. Tenpenny, she is part of a group of some honest Drs. that can be trusted to tell the truth about this Vaccine and the side effects that they are seeing.

  6. Hogan is eating up all the attention that the Liberal media is giving him. If he campaigns to be the Republican nominee the lib media will fawn all over him. If he wins the nomination the Lib media will roast that pig faced Rino and rip him apart. His ego is so large he does not understand this. He fancies himself as a Ronald Reagan type.

  7. Read up on side effects from these my advise take none it may be your life and that’s honest from the heart. You don’t want four doctors like I now have since the monoclonol infusion. I used to have just one doctor I saw every 6 mos and that was for like 20 years. Now it’s worse effects weekly, what am I go to loose control of. Please don’t do it people.

    1. Please explain, it seems you are eluding the monoclonol infusion is problematic and I have never hear that . I would like to know what happened to you.

  8. I was in Tidal Health in Salisbury, Sept last year I had broken ribs and a pinched nerve while there they asked if could test me for COVID I said yes they tested and said I was positive. They offered me a monoclonol infusion so the covid would be less and I would recover faster, I said yes. It is a transfusion of blood & platlets that is supposed to help. I bled for 5 days non stop I progressively got worse so I went to my primary after I got a Covid negative test to take to him. He did not know exactly what was happening it was then I looked up myself the monoclonal infusion and side effects the first paragraph states it contains mice protein. I wished I’d known this I would not have taken it. It is a year later and I have increasing what has been diagnosed as nerve ending damage and it keeps growing to every joint in my body. I have 3 doctors now which I used to have just the one and now I am to start seeing a fourth. I see my primary, a rheu matologist, a cardiologist because I had a heart attack in June now I am told I need a neurologist to check out my spine and back I hope it has not spread there. I am loosing the ability to type, write, open things, hold onto things, and go no where that doesn’t have a cart to hold onto. Please do not get any more vaccines, shots of any kind, and no monoclonal infusions most of all. Be safe you are better off just using common sense and try nothing new that any one recommends. God Bless you all, stay safe and just trust in GOD.

  9. You think Hogan is bad. Wait until the Dems elect their Governor, with Anthony Brown as Attorney General and a Dem controlled Legislature. The mandates will come down.

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