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CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact – Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low

According to the latest CDC recommendations for parents, teachers, and administrators, extra precautions are not necessary to prevent the spread of monkeypox in schools and child care centers.

The new CDC guidelines, released as a set of FAQs on the agency’s website, come at a time when health departments around the country are issuing their own guidelines for schools in preparation for the return of students.

“At this time, the risk of monkeypox to children and adolescents in the United States is low,” according to CDC.

“In this outbreak, most cases of monkeypox have been associated with sexual contact,” the agency added. “Monkeypox can more accurately be described as “sexually transmissible.”

“At this time, data suggest that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men make up the majority of cases in the current monkeypox outbreak,” CDC said.

The Gateway Previously reported that health experts now believe monkeypox is spread through anal and oral sex between men.


2 thoughts on “CDC Finally Admits Most Cases of Monkeypox Have Been Associated with Sexual Contact – Says Risk of Monkeypox in US is Low”

  1. people wouldn’t get these diseases if they followed the bible and the teaching in the bible. sex with a person of the same sex is unnatural and apparently deadly, didn’t we learn from HIV?

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