Jobs Creator Network (JCN) President Elaine Parker told Breitbart News Saturday that average Americans and small businesses do not have the resources to protect themselves from the 87,000 new IRS agents created by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Parker spoke to Breitbart News Daily host Matthew Boyle as the JCN put up a billboard in Times Square in New York that calls out President Joe Biden’s lies to the American people, including that he would not raise taxes on ordinary Americans or increase IRS audits, that there would not be a recession, and that inflation was under control:
Boyle and Parker turned to the $700 billion Inflation Reduction Act, which boosts IRS funding by $80 billion to hire an additional 87,000 agents. This would make the IRS one of the largest federal agencies, larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.
Parker explained that Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act on the premise that not enough Americans comply with the tax code.
The truly unfortunate fact here is that most of the parasites (collect government handouts and/or don’t pay taxes) will be immune to the IRS agents. The middle class will pay and the upper class will pay their lawyers and accountants….the parasites voted for this to be able to continue getting their handouts!
I like the Starship Troopers model – gotta be a citizen – contribute, then you can vote…parasites don’t have a say!
Taxation was one of the reasons for the War of 1812.