FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – In a 8-1 vote, the School Board has reinstated the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of their board meetings.
Some of the school board members said they were threatened with hateful voicemails and messages. Many comments were given, most of which condemned the messages sent by people who opposed their August 9th decision, but conceded that the controversy was not worth the distraction and damage it was causing.
Almost all of the ‘yes’ votes were justified on the grounds that the decision was causing undue stress and harm to the board members and their ability to do their jobs.
Time to Re-instate AMERICA & FREEDOM !!!! To Hell with CRT & WOKE Democrats !!!!!!
A bit of sanity.. the lefties go crazy over the pledge of allegiance… let’s make them crazier!
Absolutely Wonderful !!!!