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Governor Hogan Statement on FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement:

“Even before yesterday’s events at Mar-a-Lago, America was already dangerously divided.

“These are unprecedented circumstances that require unprecedented transparency and accountability from our government institutions. The American people deserve to know all the facts as soon as possible, and I call on the Biden administration to release—at a minimum—the documents authorizing the FBI search.

“If the federal government cannot ultimately provide overwhelming evidence that action was absolutely necessary, then it will only undermine faith in democracy and the rule of law, and further divide Americans.”

11 thoughts on “Governor Hogan Statement on FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago”

  1. “If the federal government cannot ultimately provide overwhelming evidence that action was absolutely necessary, then it will only undermine faith in democracy and the rule of law, and further divide Americans.”

    Thanks, Larry. That was unusually on point.

  2. COMRADE HOGAN loves this HITLER’S “BROWNSHIRT” move but refuses to admit it. COMRADE HOGAN is a rogue Republican that hates PRES TRUMP. I didn’t hear him criticize LYING HILLARY but only support her criminal actions.
    COMRADE HOGAN knows if he comments negatively he would never have a chance at 2024. The rest of the country will then know how he treated Marylanders as he voted with the DEMOCRATS instead of the Republican agenda. COMRADE HOGAN would use the “BROWN SHIRTS” in a heartbeat against the citizens. Look how quick he changed his stance on the USSC ruling even then he still never did his campaign promises. He reneged on almost every campaign promise.

  3. Where the hell has been THIS Larry? We in MD needed that and more from day one as the Gov. But no…..we had Larry on the friggin corner.

    I know he is playing politics, but any light for 1600 Penn Ave went out 2 yrs ago.

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