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MUST HAPPEN: Trump Promises to Gut and Fire “Tens of Thousands of Civil Servants” if and When He Wins in 2024

President Trump plans to gut the US government and fire ‘tens of thousands’ of anti-American far-left hacks in the US government when he wins office in 2024.

He can start here.

Anti-Trump Far-left thugs and criminals from inside the DOJ, FBI, and White House wreaked havoc during President Trump’s first four years in office with their running coups and constant leaks and lies to the American people.

The DC deep state leaked hundreds of times to the press during President Trump’s first four years in office. All of the weeks, a majority that were untrue, were a deliberate attempt to destroy President Trump and his administration.


6 thoughts on “MUST HAPPEN: Trump Promises to Gut and Fire “Tens of Thousands of Civil Servants” if and When He Wins in 2024”

  1. Yes-clean house. Free rides are over. About 2/3 of our “civil servants” are nothing more than useless trough feeders anyway. Trouble is the taxpayers will still have to feed them because they won’t be able to cut it at a real job.

    1. 8:10am – you have 1st hand experience? No really, I’d like to know your rationale. Watching TV, listening to the radio or hearsay doesn’t constitute you knowing that 2/3’s of civil servants are useless.

      Civil servants are federal, state, local employees and we ARE taxpayers too! We chose our life of public service and get bashed about it all the time. Federal Government has 3 Million (maybe less) civilian employees. Less than 1% of the total population.

      Cleaning house doesn’t start with the rank/file – it must start at CONgress. That swamp needs to be drained first – HOWEVER they make the rules. Hence NO term limits.

      Suggest you consider voting this November to help fix CONgress. Then maybe they will eventual make rules that will help the civil servants rid the slow walkers and others who give us a bad rap! CONgress does that with the Feds, states and local governments will follow suit.

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