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Former AG Bill Barr says Mexican drug cartels should be wiped off the face of the Earth ‘like ISIS’ because they have too much money and power for courts to ever bring them to justice

Former AG Bill Barr said Mexican drug cartels should be wiped off the Earth like ISIS because they’re far too rich and powerful to prosecute.

Barr, 72, sat down with Newsmax’s Greta Van Susteren to discuss to Mexican drug cartels.

He likened them to terrorist groups, and said they should be treated as such, particularly as they’ve been blamed for inundating the US with deadly fentanyl.

‘I think [the Mexicans] have to be forced and pushed into action with us,’ he said. ‘I think we have to more active against the cartels. In my mind, we have to approach the cartels more like ISIS and less like the mafia.’

He also said the individualized prosecution against cartels is ineffective, as they are ‘effectively’ acting like ‘terrorist organizations.’

‘And the idea of a case-by-case prosecution down there to stop these organizations would be like going after, you know, ISIS and Syria on the same basis,’ he said. ‘They are increasingly building their connections with terrorists. Their paramilitary can take on the Mexican military and they have so much money they can corrupt any system, the justice system in Mexico.

‘Even a normal everyday murder is (in Mexico) about a four percent chance of getting caught and prosecuted. It’s a dysfunctional system. So we – in my mind – the United States cannot have these cartels operating on our border, poisoning our country.’


9 thoughts on “Former AG Bill Barr says Mexican drug cartels should be wiped off the face of the Earth ‘like ISIS’ because they have too much money and power for courts to ever bring them to justice”

  1. Should have been Done back in WW2 while the world’s frying pan was HOT !!!!
    Wipe out Mafias Cartels Gangs Dictators !!!!

  2. Note to mr Barr- they would be nowhere near as powerful as they are today if you and the other swamp creatures and pedophiles hadn’t stabbed our real President in the back. Gas wouldn’t be 5/gal, our southern border would be closed and we would not be on the cusp of ww3. The taliban wouldn’t have tens of billions of our best military equipment. Need I go on? So stfu mr Barr. You have way too much blood on your hands to be taken seriously. You could have done right thing but you didn’t.

  3. Bill swinging a big stick on his book tour. To bad he is another DC swamp creature who did nothing when he had the power.

  4. so the crime families of xiden pelosie windsor Astor Bundy Collins DuPonts, Li Bloodline rockfellers, Rothschilds and their blood lines are ok then?
    dont let those poor brown turd world people ever have a shot at living like us rich white folks. who do they think they are?

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