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18 Months of Utter Incompetence

How much worse could the Democrats screw things up? Don’t tempt them.

The last year and a half (yes, it’s only been 18 months) have revealed the utter incompetence of the Biden administration and the radical left. Their disastrous policies are destroying our country – the economy is in shambles, the southern border is wide open, gas prices are still at record highs, and the president is getting Covid and babbling about having cancer.

Did you see the latest inflation numbers? Hold on to your wallets – and prices are only going to get worse. Rather than take inflation seriously, Joe Biden and his cabal of leftists are crushing American energy with their America Last policies, focusing on “climate change,” proposing massive new taxes, and denying we are in a recession. So much for caring about the kitchen table issues, right, Joe?

Now more than ever, we must fight back against these leftists to save America. But we need your help to continue to tell the truth.

While Americans are struggling to make ends meet, hordes of illegals are crossing our southern border, straining the resources of America’s border towns and cities across the country. Not even the libs in New York City and Washington, DC, can deny the border crisis any longer, as they are beginning to witness the results of Biden’s failed immigration policies firsthand.


3 thoughts on “18 Months of Utter Incompetence”

  1. Anybody with any common sense whatsoever knows this is not incompetence. Nobody is wrong on everything all the time. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. This is all the intentional destruction of our country and it will be done without firing a shot.

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