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We found that much of the data available from

was extremely helpful in looking at all available data. We did not see any data on Maryland Education Performance for 2020-2022 due to the pandemic as reported by the Maryland State Department of education. We have looked at Maryland State Performance Data for students who took the SAT and ACT. In 2021, 778 students in Wicomico County took the SAT or ACT. Less than 758 students took the SAT and 20 students took the ACT. The SAT scores were lower in Wicomico County than many other districts in Maryland with below average scores.

We are interested to find out why students do not take these tests. We wonder if it is because of lack of confidence in academic proficiency. The study is ongoing. Our goal at IRDE is to assist parents and students to excel at academics regardless of whether they attend Private, Public, or are Homeschooled. Our number one recommended resource is Khan Academy. We recommend using resources for Math and other subjects to allow your children to work on their own in order to improve and obtain proficiency.

One important question we have for the Maryland State Department of Education and Wicomico County Board of Education involves transparency, public information, and access to information for parents. Why are parents not allowed in all board meetings and given a chance to speak about issues? There is little to no transparency concerning crime and other events that occur in the schools. Most importantly, why are people who are in charge of Academic Improvement remain employed when they fail to achieve any significant results over a period of several years? We will continue to address the concerns of those who seek knowledge in an effort to improve education at all levels. We will work with all schools in Maryland, public, private and home school to further identify best practices and differentiated learning methods for increasing academic proficiency.



  1. Have you looked at the ‘quality’ of students attending WCBOE schools? When the majority of parents are univolved, you produce students who are way beyond ‘misunderstood youth’. Schools are left with the vulgar, crass, and violent result and then blamed when the public screams for resuts. Don’t get me wrong – the woke teaching/education crowd owns some of this issue, but really it is the lack of parenting and morals tht resut in apathetic and failed students.

  2. SAT test takers were down significantly when schools were closed or only partially open so bad time to draw comparisons. For several year WCBOE has had all students in a HS grade take PSAT and then following year take the SAT.

    This is a form of wishful thinking designed to undercut the argument that poor students couldn’t afford the tests and thus were unable to apply for college. Since all students now take it there is the expected leveling out of scores, which allows good students to score higher.

    Colleges have been in a stampede to abandon SAT scores requirements so they could make admissions decisions on demographics rather than allow traditional indicators of success. So prime beneficiary is the College Board which owns the tests since they have more test takers and more revenue.

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