In a new Gallup poll, only 28% of Americans have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in government schooling.
As Breccan Thies of Breitbart News noted, this steep decline in trust in the public education system is the second-lowest all time record. The lowest figure on record was in 2014, when it stood at 26%.
For perspective, this figure stood at 41% in 2020, while this number was at 29% in 2019.
There is a notable partisan divide on the issue of trust in education. Democrats have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the system at 43% confidence in the public school system. This figure still represents a drop from 48% in 2020.
By contrast, Republican support for government schooling declined from 34% to 14% in this same time frame. Only 29% of Independent voters have trust in public education.
The introduction of critical race theory — anti-white hate — and gender ideology has largely politicized education nationwide. These new developments have made conservatives nationwide rethink their support for public schooling.
FIRE the WOKE !!!!
You mean TRUST in GOVT = “0 ” !!!!!!!
They are teaching nothing but politics in schools .
That means our taxes should go down by the same percentage, since their expenses go down NOT UP with less students and personnel. Tax payers should start a protest / revolution against the greedy TEACHERS UNION and POLITIANS that allow tax increases for fake education. Let SOROS, TEACHERS UNIONS and the DNC pay out added expenses that claim is needed for less students to indoctrinate the students.
Good. Again- if you work for the public schools, you must guit. You cannot “fix” it from the inside. It is unfixable. Homeschool, or have your sons and daughters turn into Marxist queers. End of story.
12:56 pm – please explain. I assume ‘guit’ is a typo for quit – given that, I work for a public school system. In your opinion, I must quit? Frankly, I am best positioned as a conservative voice to counter the left’s ideology in front of a classroom of students. If I am not there, then all the students hear is one, far left viewpoint.
Tell you what – why don’t you earn a teaching certificte and join my conservative voice in public schools? Easy to come on this site and complain. It’ muc harded to do something about it.
It can decline all it wants – until the majority has an alternative for the majority, nothing will change.
– there is not enough private schools for the majority, nor is it affordable for most
– and not all can homeschool
So until maybe some of those BILLIONS going outside the USA – lather/rinse/repeat (regardless of political party)
Clean house Tuesday!!!!
yes, ALL can be homeschooled. Both the Dems and the Repubs robbed you of your birthright. Remember when Dad worked and mom stayed home? Sorry, but that is the was it ought to be. Only one parent ought to work. Taxes were low and governt wasnt as big then. Feminism was a trick to convince women to join the workforce and lower wages. All immigration after 1965 was the same- lower wages with lower skilled people.
Anyone remember the interest rates from the mid 70s into the early 80s? Double digits…..both fam members needed to work after that. Flash forward 40 years and the debt is $32 TRILLION, inflation, no savings, both parents must work and still drowning.
Most cannot afford private or homeschool. There is no alternative to public school for most.
I am a conservative, republican teacher, and I have zero trust in the system.
My kids attend public school, and I have quietly selected competent and conservative colleagues who are not caught up in the woke mess. I realize that most parents are not in a position to do what I am doing, but my responibility is to my children first.
I do not belong to WCEA, and take a lot of static for that alone, and I stay under the radar on all things. I just go into my classroom and quietly teach the students assigned to me the best that I can, but this whole school system is one big train wreck.
To those who can afford to, put your kids in private school or homeschool. I live a very modest life as a single parent of two, and I can’t afford either option. The only reason I stayed in public education this long was to be sure I could guide my children to the best teachers (and there are, shockingly, very few of them), and keep my chidren away from the trash and riff-raff.
Is this an unfair advantage over the average parent? Yes, wihout question.
Do other teachers do this as well? Yes, they do.
Do we keep it quiet? We sure do.
I won’t appologize for the above admission as my first responsibility is to my children, but take it from me, the WCBOE is a liberal disaster area, and has been crumbling and falling apart for years.
WCEA is teachers union. If all teachers stopped paying into it, the static would go away, and things would get better. Stop Teachers Union!! That would be step one..