Joe Biden’s cognitive function was so far gone that he was fed pills by staff supervised by his wife Jill to be able to function during the 2020 presidential campaign–and still is to this day, according to a report Friday by Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson.
Tucker Carlson: “How did he manage to get through the campaign? Well, it turned out, we learned later his staff, supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance–checking the time and at a certain hour giving him a dose of something. Now it’s not a guess, we’re not making that up. We’ve spoken directly to someone who was there and saw it happen multiple times. Now, before taking the medications this person said, Biden was quote ‘Like a small child. You could not communicate with him, he changed completely because he was on drugs and he clearly still is on drugs.’ Someone’s pushing, we don’t know what those drugs are. We should know.”
Video cued to set up by Carlson for report on Biden’s pill usage:
Carlson opened the segment talking about former White House physician Ronny Jackson in 2020 calling for Biden to take a cognitive test and being rebuked via email within minutes by Barack Obama. Jackson is now a Republican Congressman from Texas.
Got him on thorazine, haldal , lithium !!!!!! LOL
Jill NOT a DR. Get that Straight Honorary Bullshht means Nothing > Like Oprah’s !!!!!
Some GAIN of FUNCTION Pills from FAUCI !!!!!!
Dosing him with a Democrat Brainwash Drug from Pelosi !!!!! His Controller
did they make the hair on his legs stand off