So far this summer traffic is way down heading east on Rt. 50 into Ocean City and I mean way down. Traffic used to back up all the way up to Walmart regularly. My old bar, (Caribbean Joe’s) now called Shaka has next to no vehicles in their parking lot aside from staff and most other bar/restaurants are so slow they are closing their doors, (many of them) by 8 PM. So here’s my question…
Do you think it’s fair/right for our government to hand out stimulus money to both citizens and businesses just to keep the economy afloat?
No, that’s stepping into socialism. That will not correct the issues we have with the economy. The problems are directly related to whoever is running this country. Lock downs for covid, mandated vaccines for 100’s of thousands employees, unaffordable gas and diesel prices, unreasonable food prices , ect, ect, the list goes on and on. This is by design to move us into socialism without anybody noticing. We need a massive clean out in Washington DC including many republicans and Rehobeth Beach DE also. Government handouts is not the answer and is just masking deeper issues we have in this country.
In general, no I don’t. It’s a free country. If a person can’t find a job, it’s because they don’t want to. There’s a reason farmers have to use migrants every year to help pick the fields…because Americans won’t do the work. Same with the jobs at the beaches.
The same with businesses. It’s unfortunate to see one close, but starting a small business has always been a risk, especially for bars/restaurants…I think pre-pandemic, the stats were something like 50% failed within 12 months.
Throwing a ton of cash into the economy is why we’re in the situation we’re in now. The amount of fraud from the Covid business loans is astounding, and we don’t even know a fraction of it at this point.
Its a major flaw of the human race… sympathy/compassion. I believe we’re the only species that feels those emotions. And when you think about it, it may very well be our undoing. It’s negated natural selection.
It should be structured based on documented need.
Keeping people employed with no customers will keep the business open – but nobody knows if the lack of customers is due to the economy or a less than desirable product/service. Require accountability.
Giving money directly to the people provides a potential fake income…. We saw car purchases getting ready to be repossessed due to lack of ongoing payments. Require accountability.
Paying rent and utilities keeps you alive – buying a 60″ TV makes you look affluent…. If you already have the 22″ rims – you shouldn’t get a penny…..
For a government to GIVE money to citizens and businesses it first has to TAKE money from citizens and businesses.
IMO it is counterproductive to do so. Living in the immediate OC area, I too have noticed a significant decrease in traffic. I believe that the current state of our economy is due to, in part, to the stimulus checks being sent out which significantly impacted the economy. This backfired and, while initially helping the economy, ended up being a rel issue for small business. For my part, I’m looking forward to November to make some significnt changes via my vote.
I DID THAT “Sleepy Joe” 👈
The only way the govt can hand out money to EVERYBODY is to bring down prices on everything. If CASH is used the crooks get most of it…
its always been the case…we give subsidies to the farmers and corporations in every federal budget…this country has NEVER actually practiced free market economics because it like actual communism it doesn’t work in real life. That being said, I always laugh when these same “conservatives” who believe in small government want help when its their concern…which explains why trump;s big government economic interventions were popular among these folks despite the hypocrisy
NO. There are to many job openings and people are to lazy to work, since they are getting money from the government. They should not be paid for not working and making more money by staying home. I know several that has not changed their life style just by staying home and get government money and tell you they can do more by getting government money and will not go back to work as long as they can get government money. I have never taken government money in my 70 years even if I had to work 2 and 3 jobs to support my family and pay my bills including college bills.
IT increases INFLATION , since the government just prints more money to control society instead of living in its means and don’t pay people not to work.
Stimulus money has done nothing but make people lazy and very dependent on the government. Instead of less government intervention, like it should be, there’s going to be more. Not hard to figure out, but there are idiots out here who will be first in line for any handout, not thinking about consequences.
I do not go to OC for the same reasons that I do not go to down town Salisbury — SAFETY
I agree with 7;58 their are jobs still out there it’s just they don’t want to work, the handouts have ruined this country. They want stimulus checks and stay at home and collect money. And to make matters worse all these immigrants are coming here and they won’t take long to get on that wagon as well, we will and our children and their children will want the no work theory for generations to come. Biden and wokes have ruined us companies and businesses are closing everywhere worst this country has ever been. It used to be if you didn’t work your family did not get fed in our parents day and pride of home ownership and a secure job were everything. I hope we get rid of every Dem running for office, and especially get rid of Joe & Kamala we either need Trump back or someone just as good to get things back on track. And I hope MD VOTERS get out there the 19th and vote Republican no more Blue VOTE RED REPUBLICANS THE ONES WITH A RETURN TO COMMON SENSE, GOD AND COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!!!!!
Who knows. But traffic is lighter.
#1 Not until open jobs are scarce
#2 Only to people, not businesses, based on a percentage of last six tax returns with a maximum. Let the people decide which businesses survive with this money.
Last year’s $20 tab is now $30. Yes the prices have gone up but what about the taxes? That 9% tax to buy an OC meal is now effectively DOUBLED and driving customers to Delaware. Is it any wonder OC can’t afford fireworks anymore?
The stim was not free money – it hit folks this tax season and prob will linger into the next season (Apr 2023). Returns were less because of the stim…..many had to pay for the 1st time and were confused.
This is never discussed yet we in the business have to explain over and over and over again. We are not cheating anyone – just want to help and the STIM did nothing for tax submissions.
The stim last year, the inflation, the Fed raising interest rates, has confused many many folks and the media hasn’t helped.
Media circus this year
– after xmas covid
– Jan 6th/trump/Jan 6th/Trump/Jan 6th – ad nauseum
– Ukraine, Russia, Ukraine, Russia, Ukraine
– squeeze in a death of a notable
– shootings/guns/shooting/guns/shooting/guns/shootings/guns
– another squeeze in a death of a notable
– COVID restrictions done
– Boris resigns, Sri Lanka Prez resigns, Japan prior Prime Mins shot dead on TV\
– now its HEAT STREAK across the norther half of the world
– fires
etc. etc.etc.
How could anyone know the STIM would hit most at tax time?