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Governor Hogan Announces Expanded Incentives For State Employees to Serve as Election Judges

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the state is expanding its leave incentives for state employees to serve as local election judges for the upcoming July 19 primary election and the November 8 general election.

“Election judges play an important role in the democratic process, and state employees have always stepped up to serve,” said Governor Hogan. “For this election cycle, we are expanding our recruitment efforts to include the primary election, and extending these leave incentives to our contractual employees. It is important for local election boards to get people signed up and trained quickly once they express interest.”

  • Primary Election. State employees who serve as an election judge on Primary Election Day (July 19)—which is not a state holiday—or any day of early voting will receive 16 hours of administrative leave for each day of service. For the first time, state contractual employees will also be eligible for this leave.
  • Election Day. State employees who serve as an election judge on Election Day (November 8)—which is a state holiday—will receive pay for the holiday and as well as an additional eight hours of administrative leave. While Election Day is not a paid holiday for state contractual employees, they will be able to receive eight hours of administrative leave for their service.

The Department of Budget and Management has posted and distributed this information to state agencies.

For the 2020 general election, the state’s aggressive recruiting efforts helped drive more than 11,000 Marylanders to sign up to be election judges. Visit the State Board of Elections website for more information on becoming an election judge:

6 thoughts on “Governor Hogan Announces Expanded Incentives For State Employees to Serve as Election Judges”

  1. Paying mostly dumbocrats to sit and intentionally ignore voter fraud….

    Yup, that’s a great idea!!!

    Glad you’re term-limited!

  2. AFSME state union workers will fill this vacuum and any hope for a fair election will get flushed down the toilet.

    1. Thousands of union workers no longer support the democratic party. I’m was one until I changed and got a new republican registration card about 7 years ago. Should have done it sooner. And I know many, many more union workers that have changed party affiliation also. We didn’t leave the democratic party, the democratic party left us. They no longer have common sense. Everything they do hurts this country now. Democratic politicians haven’t done anything to help the middle class for a long time. Remember NAFTA, that was a trade agreement to help North America, and all it did was export good American jobs. The cigar man got us on that one. We know better now and vote likewise, that’s how Trump won in 2016 and we hope he runs again in 2024.

  3. One way of shutting Larry down is asking him about the $9m loss from Korea. His wifey supposedly had pull?????

    $9 MILLION Larry, then you attempted gas tax relief that we all will be repaying in the future. Get a pail when standing on your corner. That would be your best prviate industry future venture. Take Rickie with you too. He can model all those black underarmour shirts.

  4. Lockdown Larry the closet Demoncrat needs more foxes in the hen house – does a bottle of whiskey come with the rest of the bennies?

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