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Pelosi’s Response About Pushing Mayra Flores’ Daughter Makes It Worse

We reported how during the photo op for the swearing-in of Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX), that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to shove Flores’ young daughter, giving her an elbow to the side. But the move was caught and widely shared on Twitter.

Then Mayra Flores responded and confirmed that indeed, her daughter had been pushed.

Flores praised her daughter for not letting it phase her and standing her ground, but noted that no one should be pushed for a photo op, in a pointed message to Pelosi.

So, I was curious as to what Nancy Pelosi would ultimately say about the whole situation. But the response from her spokesperson and deputy chief of staff, Drew Hamill was just so lame and unbelievable, it’s almost like he didn’t even bother to look at the video or he completely disregarded what Flores said. I thought Pelosi might deny it, but Hammill essentially admitted that Pelosi had pushed the child; he gave the explanation that she was trying to push her to make sure that the child got into the picture.


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