Leaks from the White House suggest that Joe Biden is in a snit over his plummeting poll numbers, now that they’ve sunk below those of Donald Trump.
He is exasperated that he is not receiving credit for the great achievements of his administration and feels he is a victim of circumstances beyond his control: inflation, rising fuel prices, the border crisis, Afghanistan, the war in Ukraine, school shootings, COVID-19, and so on.
Oh, woe is him. So goes the spin.
Biden’s solution is to snarl at staff and demand better messaging. First lady Jill Biden and the president’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, are reported by Politico to be urging him to get out and about more. “Let Joe be Joe” is the thinking.
But isn’t that part of the problem? When Biden goes off script in front of a teleprompter, things go awry very quickly. He blurts out reckless thought bubbles, like when he said Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” or that the US would get involved militarily in Taiwan.
ALL of Demon-crats are to BLAME for Ruining America !!!!! Trump had it FIXED & Best EVER !!!!! PERIOD
He reminds me of the drunk, pothead cocaine addict brother in law that blames all his failures on “The Man”.
‘Let Joe be Joe’, that’s the ticket. The lyin’ windbag drew crowds that numbered between 10 and 20 people when he ventured out of his basement in 2020, and that’s when gas hovered around $2.50/gal.
I paid $4.99 the other evening for Regular here in SBY. And that’s before the O’Malley/Franchot tax increase scheduled for July 1st.
Bribem won’t be meeting with anyone earning a regular wage and paying regular bills as they drag his senile self around to photo ops with his big screen, off camera teleprompter.
Great achievements…:
Hired an Affirmative-Action candidate as VP
Stole the presidency
Forfeited our energy independence.
Forfeited our world standing
Forfeited our weapons to the Taliban
Forfeited our economy
Nominated a gun-grabber to the supreme court
Maybe the actual positive outcomes:
Gun sales continue to skyrocket
November’s election will end the Democrat’s reign of tyranny in the house and Senate