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Showdown On The Second Amendment: Harris Calls For Ban On “Assault Weapons”

We recently discussed how President Joe Biden has not only repeated false statements about the history of the Second Amendment, but has failed to acknowledge the limits imposed by the Second Amendment in calling for a crackdown on “assault weapons.” He recently has not, however, called specifically for a ban, which would run into serious constitutional challenges.

Now Vice President Kamala Harris has taken that step forward in demanding a ban on “assault weapons.” 

(Notably, this week, Republican house member also came out in favor of a ban on “assault weapons.”)

Politicians often use the term “assault weapon” to refer to the AR-15 and similar models of firearms.  These civilian models are not automatic weapons (which are illegal for sale for most citizens). As discussed earlier, the AR-15 is the most popular gun in America and the number is continuing to rise rapidly, with one AR-15 purchased in every five new firearms sales. These AR-15s clearly are not being purchased for armored deer. Many are purchased for personal and home protection; it also is popular for target shooting and hunting. Many gun owners like the AR-15 because it is modular; depending on the model, you can swap out barrels, bolts and high-capacity magazines, or add a variety of accessories. While it does more damage than a typical handgun, it is not the most powerful gun sold in terms of caliber; many guns have equal or greater calibre.

Nevertheless, Vice President Harris declared that this “weapon of war” that has “no place in civil society.”


11 thoughts on “Showdown On The Second Amendment: Harris Calls For Ban On “Assault Weapons””

  1. First, a question for the Bim-Ho…:

    What is an assault weapon? Next, once you define it, how do you stop someone from manufacturing something the does not ‘meet’ the definition but will still be usable for the same intended purpose?

    They tried that last time and folks made it just a little different to skirt the law….

    This isn’t about guns – it’s about controlling the people! The Second Amendment was written to provide a means for the people to NOT be held hostage by their own government!

  2. So many dumbasses.

    We have the RIGHT to bear arms so when a tyrannical government attempts to exert itself in our republic, we can resist, or as Jefferson famously said (he and Madison WROTE the Constitution) “The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of tyrants”.

    Do you think he meant “punching them hard in the nose”????
    He saw what the British did to the colonists using overwhelming armed force to brutalize and dominate the “subjects”. Now, we are no longer “subjects”, but FREE MEN. Thank you, Mr. Jefferson and others.
    Rifles and other guns are fine for hunting, but THAT is NOT their purpose in our republic.
    We can’t resist tyranny with slingshots, bows and arrows, and mean letters to the editor.
    And we WILL be resisting. THAT is an historical inevitability. It’s a guaranteed event, be it next year or the next decade.
    It’s coming. And the tyrants are doing their very best to make sure you CAN’T resist.
    Propaganda. Brainwashing, Distortions. Thousands of laws.
    NONE of that will save them or prevent our next revolution.

  3. By definition, an assault weapon is a tangible object having been used to assault a person. The possibilities are endless. The object, however, cannot be judged as such until it is used to assault or as a part of a frank threat to assault using it as a weapon.

    1. Bashing in a head with a coffee mug doesn’t make all coffee mugs assault weapons, although each coffee mug has the potential of becoming one in the wrong hands.

  4. The Ukrainians are not keeping the Russians at bay with Pearl Handled nightstand pistols. We should have local and locally controlled Armories and locally trained Militias. Not machine guns under every bed and in every closet at every psycho’s disposal when they have had a bad day or a butt hurt experience. The Disneyesque notion that the Revolution was fought by Sunshine Patriots and Minute Men commoners that took their black powder Goose Gun down from the hearth and went into battle is TOTAL folklore. If you look at the Census of the times and most estate records few Americans at the time actually owned guns or could afford one. We were not importing Enfields and Remington had not even started with interchangeable mass production. Meanwhile, CHILDREN are shooting babies like fish in a Barrel and for WHAT ? WHY? I have to think we are somehow responsible. It’s Abortion.

  5. Second Amendment, what is that we had no rights they sold the Country. Sorry people this will only exist when you wake the hell up and demand that they release the New Declaration of Independence and let all their lies be exposed. When that happens don’t say you have not been warned it is not going to be easy to handle.

    If you are involved in any of this mess I would advise you to pack lightly you won’t be needing much where you will be going and if you think they don’t know about you think again they have it all and I mean they have it all.

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