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The left hates Elon Musk because he’s a twin threat that doesn’t tolerate BS

Why does the left hate Elon Musk?

It’s simple, really: Because he can’t be controlled, and because he doesn’t tolerate BS.

The left can’t stand either. It insists on control, to the point of systematically eliminating or co-opting anything that might serve as an independent power center. (Their fear is justified: “Music clubs” turned out to be a major factor in Czechoslovakia’s 1989 anticommunist Velvet Revolution.) And it insists on not merely spreading BS, but on requiring people to repeat and endorse its BS as a sign of submission.

Musk is thus a twin threat. As the sometime richest man in the world, he has a lot of power, and it’s not under anyone else’s control. And he’s a nerd, with a nerd’s low tolerance for bull. Where more socially “polished” people would go out of their way to show fealty to leftist tropes popular among the Gentry Class regardless of their absurdity, Musk is happy to point out that the emperor has no clothes.

When I was a kid, comic books and novels were full of “tycoons” — brash, vigorous men who had made fortunes and were out to change the world. But in real life, tycoons were pretty scarce. It was an era when IBM was the biggest tech company, and everything was done by committee. Which was disappointing, because the tycoons seemed to be the ones interested in funding spaceships, time machines, moon bases and so on.


2 thoughts on “The left hates Elon Musk because he’s a twin threat that doesn’t tolerate BS”

  1. Hate to break it to ya but Mr.Musk is far from the left and even farther from the right. His success and self-made celebrity and fortune is even greater than Trump’s inheritance and bankruptcies He will pander for whatever attention he can get and call it whatever he wants. You will soon forget Trump and MAGA and bow to MUSK. A true self-made entrepreneur and future Autocrat. It’s almost Biblical.

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