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Democrats Truly Are Evil

I really despise these people. That Democrats are desperate for anything to distract from their failures that they’re willing to lie, cheat and steal is nothing new, but the extent to which they’re taking it is simply vile. They are now blaming anyone who isn’t them for the murder of 10 people in Buffalo, essentially declaring half the country to be violent criminals. That’s evil, but still easier than defending Joe Biden’s record as President.

I don’t want to see those faces on TV and hate them. Chuck Schumer is ugly, sure, but he’s just a d-bag politician. Nancy Pelosi has had so much work done on her face that you almost pity her when you see her, if only for the energy she must exert to fully close her eyes. Biden was always dumb, but the more than sprinkling of dementia has amplified what God neglected to give him in the first place. They and their fellow travelers have always disgusted me, but now it’s beyond that. I simply can’t fathom how a decent human being could do the things they do.

Sure, anyone can slip and do or say something horrible, as humans we all fall short sometimes. But they live there; it’s all they do.

There is nothing about the current Democrat Party that isn’t predicated on lies, jealousy and hatred – all stirred up by them. I couldn’t imagine living life that way, but it really is a bunch of rich people lecturing others about how it’s wrong they don’t have what other rich people have. Those rich people then promise to make those other rich people suffer for their success. It’s truly bizarre.


5 thoughts on “Democrats Truly Are Evil”

  1. Well, this is America , SO WHY are we putting up with it ??? FIRE their asses on the SPOT Overturn 2020 Coup !!!

  2. So is Larry….so is Rich…so is chaney, ao is musk, so is tucker (turncoat from cnn….cant trust him), so is many. Just cuz the R is next to the name, watch everything they vote on. Every damn thing.

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