Why is Jake Day always pushing for “Racial Justice?” When are the people of Salisbury and Wicomico County going to get sick and tired of him portraying the City of Salisbury as racist area when it isn’t.
Why is Jake Day always pushing for “Racial Justice?” When are the people of Salisbury and Wicomico County going to get sick and tired of him portraying the City of Salisbury as racist area when it isn’t.
He runs with the woke left progressive party, it’s all they’ve got, well that and their desire not to have to work for anything.
Because he’s trying to deflect like Biden. He’s as racist as they come, so is gay Day.
Racism is spread for people who want something for nothing and spread division of the people. These are the people who attempts to treat people different and discriminate to appease. If you treat others with respect and how they act around you then you will understand why there is RACISM.
Eliminating RACISM and DISCRIMINATION is to treat everybody as you want to be treated. When you think you are better than someone else and you attempt to manipulate everybody you come into contact with then RACISM and DISCRIMINATION will never disappear or get any better.
Whites are sick & tired of the Broken Record Racism cry !!! It is ONLY a Democrat Party Propaganda Spew !!
Salisbury didn’t have a racism problem til Obama and Gay Day got in office.
Until Biden Fake administration stole office in 2020 COUP you mean !!!!!
Day is a woke short & simple he has done zero for Salisbury. The city looks worse than ever nasty is the word the worst if NY City look better than here. City Inspectors see nothing. The landlords who have recently bought properties on Washington St have made great strides. The whole city needs to follow their examples in just this year they have really improved their properties & sold them to people who show pride and interest in their neighbors. Take their effort to heart a big thank you to them.
Jake Day & the City Council need to get out of their offices & see the homes that are being remodeled and fixed up and clean up the city put back pride in home owners & renters alike & really make a difference. They could improve the blocks & people would want to move here, businesses would flourish and property values would go up. Quit with the racism I live where we have all races & we get along we just want the city to do the same. Stop the crime is number one everything else will follow.
day? what a joke! lmao at da bury!
Need to entertain a reverse racism discussion with the majority and see what transpires!
Yes, lets talk about REVERSE RACISM ( AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ) it’s Okay to Discriminate against
WHITES in America & Favor Blacks with extra Govt Protections while Whites have NONE !!!
When will this get Fixed after over 54 years & have REAL EQUALITY for ALL ???????
This problem goes a lot deeper than any of you can imagine, you can actually thank the ones that are controlling Jake Day as he has to answer to the ones that control him. Research and you will discover a lot about the World and who is really in control. I guarantee you are not going to like what you find out.