‘These flags were shoved down teachers’ throats to put on their desk – that’s not inclusive,’ school board president
A Maryland school board has moved to adopt a new policy on political symbols that could ban items like the rainbow pride flag in public school classrooms after members said teachers were “bullied” into displaying pride flags that were recently donated by an LGBTQ group.
The Carroll County school board has voted to develop a new flag policy that may only allow the U.S. flag, Maryland state flag and Carroll County flags to be displayed in classrooms.
The vote last week came after a collection of small rainbow Pride flags was donated to Carroll County Public Schools by the Westminster chapter of PFLAG, a national LGBTQ group, and schools staff members were encouraged to display them as support for the LGBTQ community.

That there’s no straight flag, or even a dedicated stripe on the rainbow flag speaks volumes. How could the majority be left out like that? It’s as if somebody had a plan to divide us all. Go figure.
Considering the LGBTQ group is ONLY 7.1% in the US, it is ridiculous. Whatever happened to majority rules?
With the elections around the corner, how do we know the affiliation of those running for the local school boards?
The school board is our first line of defense – we know what the dumbocrats will do if they get the chance!
They just wanted to get married folks.
It’s a much larger picture than that.
Is this a way to control population to make all the kids think they are gay
I am so sick and tired of having this queer stuff rammed down our throats,.
Get rid of the BLM Flags too.
Good for that school board!
They found another Revenue generator!