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Rabbit to the Rescue: Easter Bunny Retrieves Biden as He Wanders Off to Talk to Some Children – Then Blocks Press from Asking Biden Questions (VIDEO)

Joe and Jill Biden on Monday participated in the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll after a two-year hiatus because of the Coronavirus.

Nurse Jill did her best to keep Joe in line but it was all hands on deck on Monday.

Even the Easter Bunny was bossing Joe Biden around.

The Easter bunny interrupted Joe as he was talking to reporters and pulled him away from the press pool.


11 thoughts on “Rabbit to the Rescue: Easter Bunny Retrieves Biden as He Wanders Off to Talk to Some Children – Then Blocks Press from Asking Biden Questions (VIDEO)”

  1. Biden & his Fake administration RUN from the press !!!
    Trump Stood FIRM & answered ALL their questions incl the ones Attacking him !!!

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