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Groups with strong liberal ties funneled massive 2020 election grants to Democrat-rich districts

Private donors led by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg pumped more than $400 million into administering the 2020 presidential election, money that was often funneled by Democratic operatives into Democratic districts in what became essentially a get-out-the-vote effort for Joseph R. Biden.

The total amount of private donations for carrying out the 2020 election exceeded the federal government’s entire allocation for election spending that year.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission was responsible for administering the $400 million in “election security grants” that Congress approved in 2020 to help local officials administer the election during a pandemic.

The private funds were distributed on an unprecedented scale to voting districts across the country by nonprofit groups staffed by former Democratic operatives who sought the help of left-leaning government officials.

These groups funneled much of the money to cities and counties rich in Democratic voters for purposes that appear less centered on voter safety and more focused on increasing turnout among certain groups.


7 thoughts on “Groups with strong liberal ties funneled massive 2020 election grants to Democrat-rich districts”

  1. One could write a Big Book on ALL the ways of Cheating Democrats pulled off on Americans in 2020 election

    They covered EVERY way possible , have to give them that !

      1. Nobody to Jail after a COUP Proves WHOLE damn Govt is CROOKED !!!!

        No Court would even hear a COUP case Proves it too !!!

  2. Dirty Software
    Dirty Poll Workers
    Dirty USPS Workers
    Count the Dead
    Count the Illegals
    Mail- in Votes
    Dirty Politicians All that is needed to Win Elections in America (Like 2020 )
    Dirty Millionaires

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