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Fully Vaccinated Australia now seeing massive rise in “Unexplained Heart Attacks”

(Natural News) Now that most of Australia has received all required doses of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” as mandated by the government, the country’s hospital system is overflowing with patients suffering from a variety of health problems.

One expert revealed that there has been a 40 percent rise in “Code 1s,” as well as lots of “unexplained” heart attacks, chest pains, and respiratory ailments. The situation sounds truly dire, but nobody seems to want to identify the elephant in the room, which is the injection.

“Sometimes you can’t explain why those things happen,” said the woman in the below interview, pleading ignorance on the matter.

When asked if she has any theories or ideas as to what might be causing this, the woman responded as follows:

“No, we don’t have that information yet, uh, but, um, you know, what I do know, uh, and I’m hearing some interjections on the side, is that the vaccines actually help people stay out of hospital, and not put them in hospital.”

In other words, the official story is that nobody knows why all these people are getting sick, but that it is definitely not the jabs because those are supposedly keeping people out of the hospital.


4 thoughts on “Fully Vaccinated Australia now seeing massive rise in “Unexplained Heart Attacks””

  1. EVERYONE was told (by SCIENTISTS, not politicians) that this EXPERIMENTAL DRUG — and it’s STILL classified as an “experimental drug” — would have unforeseen and – wait for it now —- UNSTOPPABLE side effects.
    The inventor of the delivery system for the “vaccine” (which is NOT a vaccine, according to SCIENTISTS) specifically told the pharmaceutical companies that it SHOULD NOT BE USED ON HUMANS.
    The reason?? Because it PERMANENTLY alters the DNA in each person who takes it and whatever side effects occur will be completely immune from treatment — because it is your own DNA that’s creating the problems.
    MILLIONS of cheerleaders couldn’t wait to wave their “vaccination cards” around, telling the rest of us that we were brainwashed and paranoid conspiracy fanatics and what “goot ci-di-zens” THEY were…..
    Now, just as the scientists predicted (and Bill gates cheered for), those side effects are beginning to kill people.
    Of course, DEMOCRATS continue to push everyone to take the shots, the booster shots and plan on taking shot after shot forever. Until you die. Which will be way before the actuarial tables say you should perish.
    Politicians probably know less science than my 3 year old granddaughter, but YOU fell to your knees and lapped up whatever they dripped on your lips.
    Update your will. Not your life insurance. Your life insurance company will turn your claim down.
    Keep cheering.
    And make sure you get your kids all the shots your politician heroes want them to have…..
    Because all of you “I believe the science!!” cheerleaders are always in a tough spot when the science destroys the narrative you believe……

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