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Critical Thinking in Troubled Times

In a matter of about a month, the United States federal government silently and unilaterally exited from a two-year war on an illusory, and perhaps illusionary, virus, and pivoted toward fomenting and provoking a kinetic war with a nuclear-armed Russia.  While many people in the U.S. unquestioningly and dutifully removed their masks and started using the Ukrainian flag emoji on their iPhones and social media feeds, the rest of us are left with trying to discern between whether we are on the precipice of a kinetic World War III or simply witnessing a bankrupt and petrodollar-dependant Leviathan in its death throes.

Or perhaps both.

As a sign of the times, this week I witnessed a 40-something year old black cop at a gas station speaking to the 50-something white station owner when the cop said, “I am so sick of this fear bull*@$t, as soon as they put the Covid bottle of fear back on the shelf, they take the Ukraine fear bottle off and put it in front of people and yell lies at them until they are actually afraid!  Don’t people know that all this BS only benefits the people trying to control you!”  He was wearing a mask strapped absurdly far under his chin.  When asked why he was wearing a mask, he said:  “So I can ask everyone who two weeks ago was asking me to pull up my mask why they aren’t wearing theirs anymore!  I’m going to keep wearing it like this until they wake up!”


Acknowleding this reality, the CDC is now rapidly revising its statistics, admitting that “the pandemic” was a non-event health-wise.  The brilliant saints who recognized at the outset that “Covid” was always the 2020 Seasonal Flu dressed up and repackaged for purposes of maintaining political control have now been vindicated.  The pandemic narrative was and is a story, a story that appears to have been authored in order to distract the public from the pain and discomfort associated with an economic decoupling from China.  It is now fairly clear that the Powers That Be (PTB) used the pandemic story to hold, gain, and consolidate economic and political power through an economic crisis that they knew was already upon us in January of 2020.

Although much ground has been lost in terms of loss of personal liberty in the last two years, much has also been gained in terms of accurate risk information–exposing precisely who the pandemic plotters and promoters were and are.  The political and business leaders who were complicit in fostering the pandemic narrative are not qualified to lead going forward.  As compelled vaccination injuries manifest and it is exposed and recognized that there never was a federal or state law or any other legitimate legal authority that would compel innocent and healthy people to submit to a dangerous, Nuremberg Code-violating experimental drug therapy, these political and business leaders must, and inevitably will, be removed from positions of power.  We could not agree more with Dr. Robert Malone who advocates that these people be outed, removed from power, and monitored to ensure that they never be afforded the public’s trust in the future.  As just two examples of the plans of the Davos clique, both the CEO of UPS, Carol Tome, and the CEO of Wells Fargo, Charlie Scharf, are World Economic Forum alums who were shoe-horned into their positions in late 2019.  I suspect there are dozens, if not hundreds, of people like this.


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