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A Viewer Writes: Fool Me Twice-Covid

Has anyone been taking notice of what the Democrat Party has been slowly putting out to the public? Look around at all the small articles on the new Covid strain and restrictions being publicized about foreign travel. Very soon these small articles will be getting bigger for more attention. The mighty CDC will be putting out their new guidelines on what preventions to take. First they will tell you that the new strain is not so bad. It’s just like a common cold or a little worse. But if you are vaccinated you should be okay. If you are not vacated then you should rush out to get The Shot. ( have you noticed how many people have been dying as a result of “The Shot”). Summer Spreaders and travel will make matters worse until just before school is set to open again we’ll be in
“Omicron” situation. Is there anyone who believes this is not going to happen? If so, please write in and tell us why this is not going to happen. Be bold, sign your name.
But why is this going to happen? Easy. The Democrat Party is in turmoil. Their savior, Brandon, has really put them in a pickle. It’s going to take some pretty good tricks to pull this one out of the bag. First, control the people again. Next, deflect the blame. Then, adjust the voting regulations again and most important of all, Blame It On Racism again. That always works. How will that work out? You tell me. John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

2 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes: Fool Me Twice-Covid”

  1. It is all about control. Every one is to line up and do as they are told. We have people in Salisbury that enjoy in telling people that they cannot attend club meetings, luncheons and other events because they are not vaccinated. This make little people feel important.

  2. Fool us how many times Mark Paddack?

    half-arsed apology, especially slipping in that we ALL are parents?

    Drink another one short-timer!

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