Why is Jake Day in our Wicomico County Public Schools presenting Bennett High School students with driving school scholarships that was created by a WiHi alumnus? It has nothing to do with Jake Day nor the City of Salisbury! Hasn’t Bennett High School and the Wicomico County BOE had enough of Day and his significant other buying drugs from students? Where are the BOE members and why are they allowing this?
Day is in love with himself.
Knucklehead thinks he is going to Annapolis.
I guess he feels important, because in the National Guard he is in charge of the Latrines.
I would be scared to have Day around my kids….
he has very poor judgment when it comes to be around young children…
We love Jake Day coming to our drag queen parties
He is like soooo cute to us
BOE members knew nothing about this. Under this superintend BOE members are not allowed in the schools without her permission. BOE members are rarely invited or notified about any programs in the schools.
Bullshit, I have two kids at Pinehurst and our BOE rep comes in unannounced all the time. Even that Groomer Karen Lombardo comes to visit..god help us…
My name is Ann Suthowski and I represent District 4 on the BOE which includes Pinehurst School. The only two times that I have been allowed at Pinehurst School this year was at the first day of school with the supertindent and in March when I read to a fifth grade class. I don’t know who on the BOE you are referring to but it was not me. We re not allowed in the schools unless we have permission from the superintendent. Please let me know who from the elected school board that you saw at Pinehurst? Are you confusing supervisors and WCPS staff members with elected BOE members?
Dear Ann,
Shouldn’t that be a GIANT RED FLAG to you?
If Jakey Boy Day wants to do something……………………….Get rid of those freakin’ bike lanes, fill some pot holes, do away with those damn scooters and do something about those awful dirt bikes that are taking over the streets.