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Jesus Christ’s Resurrection Is Probably The Best-Documented Historical Event Ever

Peter Paul Rubens, Christ resurrected


Because of their experience with the resurrected Jesus, the apostles were in a unique position, knowing with certainty that Jesus was truly the Son of God.

There are many religions with different founders, prophets, and teachers going back thousands of years. But only one of them, Christianity, has a founder who professed to be the Messiah—the son of God—who provided irrefutable proof of who he was by conquering death through resurrection. Easter is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.

Christ is also the only person in history who was pre-announced starting a thousand years before he was born, with 18 different prophets from the Old Testament between the tenth and the fourth centuries BC predicting his coming birth, life, and death. Hundreds of years later, the details of Christ’s birth, life, betrayal, and manner of death validated those prophecies in surprisingly accurate and minute detail. One thousand years BC, David prophetically wrote about the crucifixion of Christ at a time crucifixion was unknown as a means of execution.

Every other consequential person of history came into the world to live. The death of other religious leaders—such as Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Mohammad, and Confucius—brought an anticlimactic end to their lives and their work.

But Christ came into the world as God’s son in order to die and pay the price for man’s sin. His sacrifice was the ultimate climax of his life, done for the benefit of all mankind—opening the way to eternal life in heaven for all who believe.

Of the four major world religions built on personalities, only Christianity claims its founder is still alive, having overcome death through resurrection. No Jew ever believed that, after Abraham died and was interred, his tomb ever became empty. After Buddha died, no disciple ever claimed that he or she saw or spoke to him again.

As for Mohammed and his teachings that are the basis of Islam, there is no trace of this founder appearing to his disciples or followers after he died at age 61. His occupied tomb is located in Medina and is visited by tens of thousands of devout Muslims every year.



10 thoughts on “Jesus Christ’s Resurrection Is Probably The Best-Documented Historical Event Ever”

  1. and look at us now and the state of affairs in the Garden. We believe yet continue to Sin knowing we will be forgiven and little has changed we have greed poverty waring earthly sufferings with the promise of an afterlife and despite his miraculous resurrection forget the works and message of his flesh life. He was a radical Rabbi and Political figure that not only rejected the Jewish Temple system Status Quo but the Pantheon of the Roman State and the tyranny upon the impoverished and enslaved as Mose’s did in Egypt. There’s no coincidence that Passover and Easter both adopt even ancienter pagan holidays on the Calendar of the Equinox. That’s how Mythologies work and how they are adopted coopted and institutionalized into beliefs to control the masses of humanity. It’s the True Deep State and it’s Global.Everyone is crazed about Hunter Bidens Lapdance Laptop and the Christians in the Ukraine are being laid to waste and for WHAT?
    Happy Easter to all the faithful.

  2. Our society is so sick and full of sin. hence all the problems in the world, problems which are man made and are a result of mans rebellion against God. This explains the alphabet crowd and it’s rejection of all things heavenly! Waiting patiently for the warning. As humans, We have destroyed everything we touch, while trying to play God!!

  3. In the USA, one has the right to choose and the right to believe in what one wants.

    Pushing that, expecting that or demoralizing others who are not with your mindset – well thats an entirely different challenge!!

    Hence the world we live in today!

  4. Still seen by some as a 2,000 year of fairy tale like Santa and the Easter Bunny.
    I know he is real because the Roman’s also kept detailed records of events.
    Just from this, it proves he existed. Even what he looked like. Pilate stated he has Chestnut brown hair and grey eyes. I find comfort in that.

  5. I am still waiting for the missing books of the Bible to be added back in before I make any more statements. I did hear about Easter this morning, and I have to say I need to confirm a lot of stuff before I write anything else on this subject. I have no clue anymore what is true everything that I was ever taught has been turned upside down by these pompous assholes that controlled the World. As for Easter being for their God that one is probably true as I have heard before about the Easter sunrise services.

    All I can say at this point there is nothing like we have been told it was. The truth has to come out on everything and I don’t know how long this will take as I have discovered that the Roman Empire had indoor plumbing and heated water pipes. I have not figured out why they sent so many unskilled stupid people to discover America, no Columbus did not discover it either, my last journey turned up Marco Polo as the one that should get the credit for it. Once again they have stuck us with another lie, somewhere I turned up that Columbus was a pedophile so hope you enjoy celebrating Columbus Day. Don’t worry the Christmas tree it is satanic too and you are just honoring their Gods by decorating a Christmas tree. Talk about a messed up World.

  6. 6:38 please stop believing everything you read on the internet! it’s all misinformation to confuse and control you! There is a God His son Jesus died for us! so please try to be a better person, live a good life, help others less fortunate stand up for righteousness, call out those doing evil and give God his due! Those who choose otherwise will pay a heavy price for their actions!


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