Another day, another chance to read the Jerusalem Post with my morning tea only to open page 3 and see the almost half page ad with four familiar faces of women who are being celebrated as “The Wonderful Women in the World,” in honor of Women’s Day. They are Greta Thunberg, Angela Merkel, Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama. It is their faces which are intended to sell English-speaking women to sign up for a variety of Hebrew magazine and digital services offered by the Jerusalem Post.
My first thought was, “Who chose these four as the most inspiring, the most accomplished and the most celebrated women of the world?” My only conclusion is that the choice came from a “woke,” politically-correct but highly misinformed individual who has no idea who the readers of the Jerusalem Post are.
In general, it is said that Israel is a right-leaning country with conservative values even though it is the only country in the Middle-East which boasts a very tolerant policy and attitude towards gays, allowing for annual Gay Pride Parades both in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Yet, despite that tolerance, the country remains very traditional and respectful of time-tested values and family-oriented principles. They do not understand or accept “wokeism.” In fact, many Israelis have been shocked and amazed at the decidedly sharp left turn which America has taken in the last couple of years, embraced by the Biden regime which recently installed a new Supreme Court Justice who was unable to provide an answer to the question, “Who is a woman.” It is the same government which lauded the woke politics of one of their army generals who recommended that all military personnel read books on the topic of Critical Race Theory and be willing to admit that all whites are racists who have privilege above all others.
These are the new values of what was once believed to be the greatest country in the world, and these four women supposedly represent the best from among them.
Well, if these are the best of my sex, it’s a sad day for the future of humanity. Michelle Obama became famous for being married to the first black president of the U.S. Other than that, it’s hard to see what special accomplishment or accolades she has earned, short of being a law school graduate which many other women have become but who have not been catapulted to the top or enjoy the limelight as does she. Kamala Harris arrived at her position merely by being a female person of color (which is what Biden promised as his running mate). However, she has shown herself to be woefully incapable of public speaking, managing crises which were placed under her purview and knowing how to handle herself with seriousness and gravitas on world stages, rather than cackling her way through events. I’ll hand it to her though, she makes a nice appearance, but that certainly doesn’t qualify her to be named amongst “the wonderful women in the world.”
All I see is Climate clown girl, Hitlers offspring, Willie Browns Thot and according to the late Joan Rivers a man.
Wait until you find out about all 4 of these so called Women that are being honored.
Bottom line the US got screwed with the Act of 1871, 1933 we were all sold and World War 2 we lost we just brought them over here and they took over and there is a brief summary of part of this screwed up World we live in. Enter the New Order and you get World War 3. If you don’t believe me go watch the videos I have repeatedly told you to watch their Symbolism is everywhere and it is time you learn about it. Stop watching the Disney crap the Human Child Sex Trafficking is real, the Tunnels are real. and the Satanic Rituals are real. Get over it, accept it, and start researching, you are going to discover that you don’t know a damn thing about life.
As for our lovely Salisbury government, hate to tell you it’s controlled too so now you know why we have been stuck with all the crap we have.. Go watch David Straight on Youtube lots of info about the local government in his videos, absolute must see if you have kids or grandchildren. Also check out the Cities Underworld on Youtube by History. Beats watching and being programmed by the media any day. at least you will get more truth from Youtube than you will from the media.
The Fall of the Cabal all 10 episodes on BitChute and The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 21 episodes. Bet you will explode when you hear some of this stuff. Sorry this is all true, once again get over it and just accept it.