New Zealand – Dr. Cat Pausé, a Massey University ‘fat studies’ lecturer died suddenly in her sleep this weekend.
Cat Pausé’s work focused on the impacts of “fat stigma” and made it her life’s mission to spread ‘body positivity’ and health at every size.
Dr. Pausé, 42, described herself and her mission in her Twitter bio: “Fatlicious. Feminist. Glorifying obesity since ’09. Tearing down white supremacy w/my fat fingers. Friend of Marilyn pod. Sociology, Public Health, Fat Studies”
Losing weight is not about body image, its about your health.
Tom MacDonald called it in “People So Stupid.”
Boo-hoo, wah, wah, wah.
Be as fat, as strange, as whack as you wanna be.
It’s your right in a free country.
Just stop trying to shove that crap down everyone else’s throat and tell them it’s filet mignon.