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Dear Board Members,
Labels create division and I do not subscribe to divisive tactics, in fact I see right through them.  It is incorrect to say that only a small group of Worcester County Christian Conservative Republican residents have a problem with books. The fact of the matter is the book issue, as well as CRT, and other issues are not only in Worcester County Public Schools, but throughout every public school in the entire United States. For example, Lou said on the radio this past Friday it’s only a small group of Worcester County residents who have a problem with books, and in the next breath he said it’s happening all over the United States, not just Worcester County. Both of these statements cannot be true and quite frankly people of all walks of life are seeing right through this type of behavior.
We are in an era of transparency and when a person or organization displays behaviors of defending, deflecting or attacking it’s a true testament that they’re hiding or guilty of something.  If the board believes wholeheartedly that the books in question are in the best interest of our students why haven’t you made a statement and stood by it? Why create a fuss, scapegoat a group of people, and act like they’re they only ones who have a problem? Do you not understand that scapegoating is a deflection tactic designed to avoid taking responsibility? Furthermore, saying that people who are questioning the books don’t have children in the school system is another ignorant statement because taxpayers have a rights too.  Let me be clear about this, I could care less what you think or say about me or anyone else.  I’m just trying to help you become aware of what your actions are saying to people.
We have lost our way as human beings and we have allowed politics and funding to infiltrate and take over the public school system. Everything that has happened the past couple years is nature’s way of seeking balance and we are the only ones who can make this happen. The bottom line is this, we need to rise above our differences and find a way to begin working together as human beings, Americans, and community members. Ask yourself WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? I’ll tell you exactly what he would do, he would listen intently without judgment, seek understanding without defending, deflecting  or condemning. He would open up a dialogue, find common ground and seek to compromise. I know we can create that blueprint and lead by example if we can drop all the BS and politics.
Thank you for your time and please watch….
Jamie Rice
Worcester County School Board District 4 Candidate


    1. We need to raise the debate to a higher conceptual plane and stay out of the fight which is where they distract us. Not on my watch.

  1. Mrs. Rice is a school board want-a- be. She , like other candidates for school board in the lower three counties have little knowledge of what school board members can and cannot do. They seem to think that at the first meeting they can make sweeping changes. Board orientation should be given when people file not after they are elected. If this took place, candidates for BOE would not be making some of the statements they are making.

    1. There lies the problem 8:57..dissolve the unions and the BOE!! defund all education and issue vouchers..the unions and BOE are a corrupt useless impediment to real education

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      One of my core values as a person is to never allow people who aren’t even on track to throw me off of mine, but nice try Anonymous!!!!! Have a beautiful day😘

  2. Jamie, if you could care less, then do so. Or do you mean you couldn’t care less? You ought to be able to know common turns of phrase if you are asking for our support.

    Then again, for this area, you managed to string together a handful of sentences without embarrassing yourself so that’s better than most.

    1. My self worth isn’t dependent upon what you or anyone else thinks of me. I define who I am and my purpose. May you find peace and may you find love.

  3. CRT isn’t taught in Worcester County Public Schools, and we have e a separation of church and state, so what Jesus would do is irrelevant. Sit down and shut up.

    1. 2:33 i see you ignorant on the religious aspect of CRT, / marxism. They are a religion. A religion of hate for GOD and his TRUTHS!!!
      A religion of luciferian yes seperation is definitely needed.

  4. Since when should we find common ground on child abuse?!?!?! Why havent appropriate charges been filed on those involved? Why arent the Sheriff’s of these counties upholding the law with these white collar criminals? Because the trail leads to higher more powerful criminals and when it comes right down to it…..we have placed our faith, support and trust in cowards!

    1. 6:25 up until two years ago the vast majority of the public was unaware of all the corruption and even more disgusting truths. We are in the age of transparency where many will be called to task. Nothing can stop this process as it is already well under way. There is too much momentum and those who have turned a blind eye are just as guilty.

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