He’s a comedian. Definitely NOT a political analyst.
Which “two rich people” decided to have a war?
Putin invaded a sovereign nation. And started killing women and children.
Who was the other rich guy?
We HAD a President who was rich, but didn’t start a single war while in office.
When he started bringing home American soldiers, DEMOCRATS whined like stuck pigs.
When he said NATO nations need to start paying for THEIR OWN defense, DEMOCRATS squealed like children.
NOW, we have a DEMOCRAT president who threatens war and sends American troops to areas in NATO to “protect them” (the NATO countries).
81 million votes.
You must be so proud.
I think it’s perhaps time for someone of high rank in the military to physically walk into Congress AND the White House and remove those in power. With the threat of nuclear war do we really have any other choice?
Then give Donald Trump his rightful four more years in office. Then it will be Governor DeSantis time to run and after that we should be pretty straightened out by then.
From ancient Sumer to the present, all governments have been composed of elites. All states originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, exercise a monopoly of crime over their subjects through war and taxation, indoctrination and propaganda, and the conscription of resources and persons. All states or regimes are characterized by the brutal struggle for power in its diverse open and concealed forms by competing elites. The most significant political division to be observed in such internecine warfare is that between the rulers and the ruled, the “ins” and the “outs,” the elite and the non-elite.
The primary object of every government ruling elite is survival — masquerading under the rubric of “national security” — the jealous maintenance of its power, prestige, opulence and privilege against all potential rivals. All governments, no matter how ruthless and despotic (or seemingly benevolent and just), rest upon the “engineering of consent” of the gullible majority, largely by propaganda beamed at the populace by the rulers and their craven apologists in the complacent and compliant news media.
The rule of the elite is based on force or fraud. This force may be hidden or threatened, and the fraud sustained by a political formula, usually expressed as a generally accepted state religion, ideology, or series of myths. But it is the physical force of the gun that lay behind it all. And it is at your mind that every government gun is aimed.
Few American families would have anything to be nostalgic or proud of without their fallen heroes. It’s sad but true and a part of the collective dream.
Tell ya what…Let’s have Biden and Putin duke it out on PPV – the proceeds can go to Ukraine and the winner gets Hunter. Y’all know that art work of his is worth FAR more than the Ukraine anyway…..snicker……
He’s a comedian. Definitely NOT a political analyst.
Which “two rich people” decided to have a war?
Putin invaded a sovereign nation. And started killing women and children.
Who was the other rich guy?
We HAD a President who was rich, but didn’t start a single war while in office.
When he started bringing home American soldiers, DEMOCRATS whined like stuck pigs.
When he said NATO nations need to start paying for THEIR OWN defense, DEMOCRATS squealed like children.
NOW, we have a DEMOCRAT president who threatens war and sends American troops to areas in NATO to “protect them” (the NATO countries).
81 million votes.
You must be so proud.
And turn swords into plowshares? Nice thought.
There will always be wolves eyeing the sheep. Always.
All Dictators should be taken out & their countrys FREED !!!! After WW2 it should have been done ALL over
the world !!!!
Dictator Regimes are NOT Sovereign & are holding countrys Hostage under their control !!!!
Out OWN American REGIME (Democrat 2020 Coup ) needs to be REMOVED !!!!!! First THING !!!!
America needs REGIME CHANGE !!!!!! NOT RUSSIA !!!!!
You want to stop wars? Then get rid of OUR CIA!
I think it’s perhaps time for someone of high rank in the military to physically walk into Congress AND the White House and remove those in power. With the threat of nuclear war do we really have any other choice?
Then give Donald Trump his rightful four more years in office. Then it will be Governor DeSantis time to run and after that we should be pretty straightened out by then.
From ancient Sumer to the present, all governments have been composed of elites. All states originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, exercise a monopoly of crime over their subjects through war and taxation, indoctrination and propaganda, and the conscription of resources and persons. All states or regimes are characterized by the brutal struggle for power in its diverse open and concealed forms by competing elites. The most significant political division to be observed in such internecine warfare is that between the rulers and the ruled, the “ins” and the “outs,” the elite and the non-elite.
The primary object of every government ruling elite is survival — masquerading under the rubric of “national security” — the jealous maintenance of its power, prestige, opulence and privilege against all potential rivals. All governments, no matter how ruthless and despotic (or seemingly benevolent and just), rest upon the “engineering of consent” of the gullible majority, largely by propaganda beamed at the populace by the rulers and their craven apologists in the complacent and compliant news media.
The rule of the elite is based on force or fraud. This force may be hidden or threatened, and the fraud sustained by a political formula, usually expressed as a generally accepted state religion, ideology, or series of myths. But it is the physical force of the gun that lay behind it all. And it is at your mind that every government gun is aimed.
In a perfect utopia, yes that would be a solution. But it won’t work because it only takes 1 person to go for a power grab.
Few American families would have anything to be nostalgic or proud of without their fallen heroes. It’s sad but true and a part of the collective dream.
Tell ya what…Let’s have Biden and Putin duke it out on PPV – the proceeds can go to Ukraine and the winner gets Hunter. Y’all know that art work of his is worth FAR more than the Ukraine anyway…..snicker……