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Biden Just Spoke Like the Authoritarian Wannabe He Is

Joe Biden is in Brussels for a NATO meeting to discuss the Russian war against Ukraine. I wrote earlier about how he lost it during a press conference, when he snapped at a reporter about sanctions, scrambled what he was trying to say about food shortages, and very unwisely revealed what sounded like some critical information about where he might be going. It’s an embarrassing thing to have Biden representing America on the world stage, when he does things like that.

Biden also revealed something that we’ve seen on other occasions: he doesn’t like being challenged. And when he has been challenged in the past, he tends to lose it on the reporter, the voter, or the “dog-faced pony soldier” who attempts to question him.

Biden said the quiet part out loud when he was talking about the EU president Charles Michel, who was just reappointed president without any opposition.

“I came to congratulate a man who just got re-elected without opposition. I dream of that someday!” Biden declared as he greeted Michel. AS RNC Research notes, imagine if President Donald Trump had said that? We’d be having 24/7, CNN coverage about what a fascist he is, and how this is a danger to democracy that we must address with yet another, waste of time impeachment to try to incapacitate him.


6 thoughts on “Biden Just Spoke Like the Authoritarian Wannabe He Is”

    1. This Flubbing Idiot Biden & his Fake 2020 COUP Administration need to GO NOW !!!!!

      Overturn 2020 COUP & Re-instate the REAL Elected President before it is too late !!!!!!! a MUST

  1. Just keep in mind who his replacement would be. Kacklin’ Kamala and Queen Pelosi. Neither are any better, and more likely, worse than what we have already. They are all dangerous, and more importantly, total idiots. We are screwed for a few more years. Hopefully, the voting populace will smarten up a little bit, but doubtful. Too long of public “education” has had its effect.

  2. Sorry you don’t have to worry about Kamala or Pelosi taking over, as for Trump I am just not sure how long he will stay if he does come back. I see somebody entirely different taking over but since President was the Corporation I guess whoever does take over will have to find a new title in the New World that is coming, and no I don’t mean their New World Order one. Just stay tuned and see what develops because at this point I am done trying to explain anything. All I know is they owned each and everyone of us and if you think you really owned anything you had better rethink that one and if you think any elections have been fairly run you had better rethink that one too. They controlled everything in the World and we were all going bye byes unless you were one of the lucky ones that had a bunker in your backyard or lived around Kansas and were willing to pay them $50,000 after you were pre-screened and chosen to be one of the select 5000 people to live when they set off the Nuclear War, saw this one over the weekend over on the AHC channel, all comes together doesn’t it, welcome to their New World Order World, so now go cheer and proudly fly that UK flag or hope Putin finishes taking down the corrupt Bio Labs we put there.

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