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Rand Paul Ruins Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee with Brilliant Questions

Kentanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s press secretary, ridiculously said that she couldn’t say what a woman is when asked to do so by Senator Marsha Blackburn.

Specifically, Sen. Blackburn asked “Can you provide a definition for the word ’woman’?” Jackson, in a ridiculous statement following a bit of back and forth, said “Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.”

Biologist or not, knowing what a woman is is important, particularly for a Supreme Court justice that will have to rule on cases involving that question and the issues of gender that have become legion in America as of late.

Senator Rand Paul ripped her over her inability to say what a woman is and explained why that is so important during a Newsmax appearance.


4 thoughts on “Rand Paul Ruins Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee with Brilliant Questions”

    1. Problem is that too many votes were cast for Demoncrats – either too many stupid people voted for him – or they cheated! Considering the amount of stupid people that I run in to on a regular basis…there are enough of them to have elected the moron that nominated this waste of oxygen!

  1. All the Democrats want is another SUPREME COURT controlled by them so they can govern by their beliefs and not the CONSTITUTION / LAW. They have this nominee who is an activist just like KAGAN and SOTOMAYOR. She is for open borders, illegals invading the US, criminals etc. She is against the CONSTITUTION and rule of law, 2nd Amendment, Police funding, victims of crimes must I go on?

    She should be REJECTED for this position by the law makers if they vote on their OATH they took to uphold the CONSTITUTION and defend the US against all enemies domestic and abroad.

  2. Everyone knows Dirty Democrats will RAM her through even if she was the DEVIL !!!! Sad for America !!!

    2 Term Limits for ALL including the SCOTUS !!!!!

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